If this doesn’t worry you,

If this doesn’t worry you, it should. Australian prime ministers should be stripped of their power to send troops overseas, according to Australian Democrats Leader Andrew Bartlett. Senator Bartlett said the approval of both houses of parliament should be required before Australian troops were committed to any conflicts. A referendum should be held to change the rules, he said. I can see it now. The Indonesians..oops, the Musorians, are landing at Cape York and when the bill gets to the Senate Bob Brown points out that all problems between Australia and Musoria are our fault as we blatantly enjoy life, drink alcohol, fornicate heterosexually and do other unspeakable acts in defiance of the Word of the Prophets and we should negotiate and apologise. During the debate, Senator Bartlett tables a private members bill demanding we apologise to the aborigines first as if we don’t, we have no rights to the country, let alone the right to defend it. The Indonesians, oops the Musorians, advance down the penninsular and are on the outskirts of Brisbane while the debate, back to the Senate for the second reading, rages. Carmen (I can’t remember) Lawrence, the new President of the Labor Party makes a public denouncement of those people who support defending Brisbane as acting in defiance of the UN Human Rights Charter, of which Australia is a signatory, that clearly states all human rights abuses originate in the West and for the well fed, educated, testosterone overloaded and smugly superior Australian diggers to attack and possibly kill the poor disadvantaged starving Musorians (I got it right this time) would run the risk of 144.5 million innocent victims somewhere in the world. All of these victims would be cute looking seven year old kids with Aunties working in the ABC. She also stated that on previous performances the Jakarta Museum would be ransacked and the Borobudur temple and surrounds would be destroyed by unthinking and unfeeling F111 pilots. I wonder how Bartlet’s referendum would go?