Saddam – Come – Heel

The next generation name for pet dogs. Saddam. Caught like a dog in a hole the Arab World are in shock – delightful and refreshing shock. Ain’t it sweet?
Several Jordanian officials who welcomed the capture nevertheless expressed dismay that “Arab dignity” had been wounded by television footage showing Hussein being inspected by a doctor who appeared to be checking his teeth and searching his hair as if inspecting for lice.
Arab dignity? What bloody dignity.


  • There was no concern from those rag heads when American soldiers’ dead bodies were stripped and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu, or when Spanish diplomats’ bodies were stood upon as they lay dead on the road in Iraq.

  • I doubt they were checking his dental health.

    I suspect they were worried that he might pull a Goering and were looking for suicide capsules etc.

  • If his mouth was the only internal examination he got he should consider himself very lucky.

    I wouldn’t have blamed the Yanks one bit if they’d “examined” his rectum with a two-metre broomstick.

    No worst then feeding people alive into plastic shredders.

    Make an example of the murdering bastard.

  • Must. Not. ….Gloat!