Truly amazing!

INDEPENDENT candidate Andrew Wilkie has emerged pleased from his prime ministerial meeting, saying Julia Gillard was genuinely interested in supporting his push for national pokie machine reform. Amazing, isn’t it? I can just see her….poker machines! What on earth are you on about? Ah yes…silly of me. Of course the most important thing on my mind right now is poker machines reform….yes Andrew, it is terribly important and I support your ideas, as does all of the ALP. I figure the first time Julia thought of ‘poker machines’ was just after she heard that Wilkie was into them. That’s what comes from desperation – frivolous, knee jerking single issue management. How many other single issue demands are we going to have to comply with before we get stable government? Not good.


  • Kev, when power falls to small minorities they make the most of it. Brian Harridaine the former Tasmainian Senator was a task master at getting blood out of the government stones. I fear that the Greens will be a powerful block for any government next year, when they control the Senate. Peter

  • We need another election like we need a frontal lobotomy of all politicians…but if it stops these idiots, please hold it soon……Labor or Liberal, not this crap, even I could raise as many votes as these idiots at my local, why are the people putting up with it…????

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