AMWU predicts disaster for Australia

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union maintain that the FTA currently being debated and due for implimentation by January 05 will cost the Australian economy almost $50 billion and up to 200,000 jobs. I think a closer look at the Terms of Enquiry for the study would tell us that National Institute of Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR) were told to look into the ramifications of a Latham/Crean government getting hold of the keys to the Treasury. Thats the only event that could cost this country so much money and so many jobs. Still, go and read it and try and work out there maths. I can’t.


  • Kev, did you really expect the AMWU to say anything less. They want labor in so they can have another branch secretary on the Labor front bench, 60-40 all over again.
    I expect the beef industry, wine industry and aquaculture industry’s will have different views in the AMWU’s rubbery findings.
    As a previous member of the said union, and the main reason I now vote Liberal, I can say with plenty of authority that the AMWU is nothing more than a vote buying front for Labor. In 1993, my illustrious branch secretary, and at the time was a good mate, went on a vote buying spree for the upcoming federal election getting members to sign a document stating that they will vote Labor. It was all done under duress with him claiming if anyone, member, failed to sign they would fall foul of the union and would not receive representation if the situation arose. So now as a consequence, I would never consider voting Labor again and I no longer call the union bloke that did it my mate.
    I thought stuff like that was illegal???

  • No I didn’t expect them to say anything else but while you and I know what they are like some readers may not.

    If just one reader says ‘Is that right!’ we may have a convert to rationale thought.

  • If it costs 200,000 members of the MWU their jobs, it’s win/win- the most troglydite pack of lazy marxist arseholes ever to infest a workplace.

  • So did you read the NIEIR report? Their criticisms reflect those made by John Quiggin, I don’t remember you engaging in the debate at his blog — is that because you don’t know what you’re talking about?

  • Robert. Such unsults and we haven’t even been introduced. I’m not into debating at John Quiggin and I’m not an economist but I’ve lived long enough to work out the AMWU will have some bias in their approach to Australia and a narrow view as to what is the right thing to do for the country. For example nothing and I repeat nothing that comes out of the office of Howard or Bush will be acceptable to them and that is wrong.

    I shudder at the thought of Latham/Crean/Cameron run economy. The last time your mob had the keys to the treaury bench my overdraft cost me 20+% and that’s a fact not a stat.

    Cameron called on the ALP, Greens and Democrats to prevent the Federal Government committing ?economic treason?.

    What more can I say. I’ve already questioned the ALPs econmic record but the Greens and the Dems..please.

    And why is Cameron calling on the ALP to prevent the FTA becoming fact? Is he worried that Latham might let it pass?

    No point getting upset Robert you will find more than enough people see it my way and twenty pages of economics from Quiggin and put-down statements from you will not change that.