I don’t buy it but the Italians do

It would appear that the Italian Government has paid $1.4 mil ransome to get Simona Torretta and Simona Pari released from their Iraqi kidnappers.
Despite an official government denial, a leading parliament member said he believed Italy had handed over about $US1 million ($1.4 million) to secure their freedom.
$1.4 million buys a hell of a lot of AK47s and RPGs. I hope they’re not used to kill some of the 3000 Italion troops in Iraq. The girls are all sweet and happy about their kidnappers who;
…taught us and wanted to teach us about the principles of Islam,” Ms Torretta said. “They never touched us. They treated us with great dignity.”
How lucky is that. Of all of the thousands of potential Kidnappers that are roaming about in Iraq these days, these girls were taken by what must be the only group ever to talk of dignity, ask for a pardon and express understanding. Instead of the standard operating procedure of slitting their throats these girls got love and cuddles. I don’t buy it.
“They understood the work we did” for a volunteer group in Iraq, she told reporters. Later, the Italian news agency ANSA quoted her as saying the kidnappers eventually asked for pardon.
Ok, what aren’t we being told.


  • “Ok, what aren’t we being told.”

    Which pillock stumped up the $1.4 m. or did the govt. just sack good old taxpayer for it.

  • They looked on their release, very smug and happy-no way they were kidnapped and now they and coherts 1.4 million $ better off.
    It sound better odds than Tatts. Need investigating and a disgraceful insult to those genuinely held hostage and murdered.

  • Sounds like a setup to me.