Radicals win the day

Only the ALP/Greens coalition could come up with a plan that will adversely effect our economy and not help the environment and then brag about it. Climate Change Minister Greg Combet told the ABC’s 7.30 program the climate change package was a Labor reform, not a Greens’ victory. “When you are successful in something, there are a lot of people who claim authorship,” he said. Yeah – right. Senator Bob Brown thinks “even the heavens are clapping” and that “it’s a great day for the human race and planet earth”. It’s a pity that it’s not a great day for Australia! Sure as night follows day, if the Greens think it’s good then it’s catastrophic for the economy. Piers Akerman likens it to Year Zero of the Australian economy and tend to agree. Treasurer Wayne Swan labelled the vote as historic, claiming the reform would be a “victory for the optimists and it will be a defeat for the deniers.” He still doesn’t get it. He is suggesting that people only fall into two categories; those who believe in the ALP’s carbon Tax or climate deniers. He is forgetting the majority of people who recognize climate does change but don’t think the ALP have the answer. He will be reminded of that fact at the next election.

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