Political Compass.

Went on over to Deltoid and underwent a political compass assessment. Surprised myself. I thought my compass needle would have swung more to the right than it did. The result will surprise others as well. Maybe I’m just feeling a little bit soft this morning….only two mugs of coffee too date. I need a fix to get me back on the attack mode.


  • Hi

    I’ve looked over your blog and think you might be interested in exchanging links with the Freedomist Network at: http://freedomist.net

    Take a look and let me know

    Rudy Rummel

  • Surprised me too, Kev…I’m not as rabid a RWDB as I thought! God, I’m going to have to lift my act.

  • Getting more moderate in your dotage Kev. I was expecting you somewhere around my result. Still, it’s almost diametrically opposed to Naill, and that works for me.

  • I ended up a little southeast of you, Kev.

  • Works for me too, strangely enough. sitting near Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi seems somewhat appropriate for me ;)

  • Well it is probably appropriate that you sit alongside a crim who fooled enough people, Niall. Dead set Fuckstick

  • I’m intrigued, Naill, why you bother coming onto Kev’s site and posting inane comments.
    Is it some deep seated juvenile desire to shit on the doorstep and run away?

    You really are a most objectionable toad.

    Bit like a turd in the swimming pool.

  • Peaceful resistance huh? That’ll make your eventual beating by an enraged RWDB that much easier to achieve. Or does eschewing violence only work on a strategic level, not the tactical one?

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