Middle East Democracy and Italian Woman

Gloom is spreading though out the Left wing community. No one hardly mentions Iraq anymore. It has all but disappeared from the headlines of the MSM and even the case of the Italian woman’s problems has failed to register on the Left’s Radar of Rage. Even Tim at The Road to Surfdom has given the US soldiers the benefit of the doubt. On reading that, I can assure you, my ‘flabber’ was well and truly ‘gasted’ What’s going on? Desperastely seeking the web for negative Iraq stories I turned to Niall. Good old dependable Niall has written a ‘bait’ piece to lift his hit rate. I happily oblige. Over at Whom Gods Destroy, Niall is in denial preparing himself mentally for the inevitable. The outbreak of democracy in the Middle East. Say it out loud, say it often enough and you can believe it. The improving situation can not possibly have anything to do with the US presence in Iraq.
If you believe only one-tenth of Howard’s postulation that any event which occurs in the Middle East, or even remotely allied to the Middle East region occurs as a direct result of the US-led coup d`etat to overthrow Saddam Hussein, then you clearly believe in the tooth fairy, santa clause and the easter bunny.
As Naill must be the only blogger in the world who actively prevents others from linking his articles you will have to scroll down to “Strawman Plucking At Straws”. While doing that you will have to scroll past a double entry entitled ‘Howardian Wallpaper’, at least until he reads this post and deletes it. I’m not sure if it’s worth it but the offers there. In an article in today’s Australian Neo-Con Daniel Pipes cautions readers that whereas fellow Neo-Con Charles Krauthammer, of The Washington Post, writes:
“We are at the dawn of a glorious, delicate, revolutionary moment in the Middle East.”
There is a long way to go and remember Democracy also gives voters the right to elect Islamic leaders that may not necessarily improve the situation.
I, too, welcome these developments, but more warily. Having been trained in Middle Eastern history makes me perhaps more aware of what can go wrong:
Daniel is dead right but an improvement is an improvement and time will tell. I can’t see how anyone could deny that the elections in Afghanistan and Iraq were as a direct result of US involvement. I can’t see how it isn?t obvious to some that the timely death of Arafat hasn?t given birth to seeds of hope in Palestine and Israel. I can?t see how people could deny that the successful elections in Iraq have had a flow-on effect in the area. As I wrote at the very beginning of the Iraq war …” a democracy in the middle of the shit-hole that is the Middle East would give birth to hope and all the Mullahs and Kings and Princes would be feeling uneasy”. They are all feeling uneasy right now. Their people are raising their eyebrows and saying, “Well? Back to the Italian Communist woman. Much has been made of the speed of the vehicle carrying Giuliana Sgrena. She says it was slow – the soldiers at the checkpoint say it was fast. The Blithering Bunney has good cover of the subject. Go there and read but I’ll tell you the bottom line now – time has differing aspects depending on how much adrenalin in your system at the time. The woman is fleeing captivity and the soldier is afraid of a car bomb blowing up in his face. To him the vehicle is doing mach one; to her it is crawling. All the pre-requisites are now in place for disaster. Tim Dunlop is right. Give the troops the benefit of the doubt and move on. Of course some loonies will accept her version that executive orders existed for the troops to kill her but most people will acknowledge she works for the Communist newspaper Il Manifesto and will think; She would say that. Wouldn’t she? There will be plenty more mistakes but for the first time in my life I am optimistic about the Middle East and as the saga continues it will be increasingly difficult to deny George Bush’s contribution.


  • All that needs saying- they were driving like Italians.

  • Get your facts straight, you fucking military misfit! I’m not the only blogger who restricts content, and in truth, I don’t deny anyone access……they, as you well know….simply need ask.

    As for writing ‘bait’ pieces as you’d just love to believe, were it so, I’d be specifically aiming said pieces at idiots like you. You’ll note I don’t waste the energy. And why should I bother deleting entries now that the dyed-in-the-wool moron element is too gutless to request access. QED. I’d sugest you get a life, Kevin, but in your case, it’s waaay to late.

  • Being a bait piece is the only possible explanation for refusing to accept a link between the US and the Middle East.

    Albeit tenuous and subject to debate, the link exists.

    Even the Washington Times reports some Democrats are starting to think Bush might have got it right.

  • Kevin, I couldn’t give a rats arse what the WaPo think or any Democrat thinks. Nor do I care what any pundit, foreign or domestic thinks. I make my own evaluations, thanks very much. If you believe I should be paying attention to external sources in the settling of my opinions, then you not only admit you do not understand free and independant thought, you don’t understand the concept of same. Hardly surprising for someone who rose through the ranks of the military.

    How’s your foot, by the way….. “Albeit tenuous and subject to debate, ….” How tenuous a link do you want and how much debate are you prepared to suffer before you’ll accept defeat? Not that you ever would, I’m well aware, but the link you speak of is indeed tenuous, spurious and graphically undefined. You might as well say that when Tony Blair cheated on his Dossier, he had an all-encompassing impact on middle-eastern affairs.

    It’s bullshit. You know it, you obliquely admit it but just won’t come out from under your rock and say so categorically.

  • G’day Kev.

    Niall, on his blog, reckons we’ve gotta come here and slag him off. So here goes.

    Niall! You’re a fuckwit!
    Niall! You really need to get some psychiatric help with your road rage against that Vietnamese guy in the 4 wheel drive. You know what I’m talking about!

    Thanks Kev.

  • “I couldn’t give a rats arse what the WaPo think or any Democrat thinks…”

    You have a lot more in common with the majority of Americans than you think, there, Niall.

    Mwaa hahaaa, you jackass. Keep making those entertaining predictions.
    I am a Republican, and have been having a wonderful time the last couple years. The Dems have been WRONG about nearly everything and unseated themselves with their endless unhelpful carping.

    And thank you Australia.

  • Niall, your an oxygen thief.

  • Niall, Being sceptical of external sources is wise but dismissing them because they don’t fit your opinion, only a fool would do. Unless the external source comes from a bitter failure like your self then I agree.

  • Niall you pea brained git, open up your comments you coward.
    How dare you spout off about free and independant thought. You have as many free and independant thoughts as Richard Neville or Margo Kingston.

    Fuck off tic-tac cock.

  • Here’s a gratuitous link to the pantless pagan; I think the stress of dealing with Centrelink has scrambled what’s left of his tiny mind. Do you reckon the killer Kamry’s got a Magic Happens sticker on the back window?

  • The new comment feature’s a real winner- who came up with it?

  • He! I followed that link PB. Nial will always be king of ‘projection’ and de-Nial.

  • A company I worked for got ripped off by the Magic Happens clowns. Apparently they think money is evil so they just scarpered without paying the bill. It looked like a bloody piercing and dreadlock convention.

  • Aaaaah, I can feel the love! Funny, how it’s always the same wombats.

  • You feel the love with wombats? I thought you were sicko but this takes the cake.

  • Fascinating commentary, Gravett. You clearly don’t re-read you’re own ravings.

  • “you do not understand free and independant thought, you don’t understand the concept of same. Hardly surprising for someone who rose through the ranks of the military.”

    Love to see you say that face to face with a soldier.Or a sailor or an airmen. In fact, any member of the ADF. How about police officers, Naill? Fireman? Paramedics? Mindless fucking drones incapable of independent thought or decision, every last one of them.

  • I love it. Kev is hosting the comments section of Niall’s blog, because Niall is too gutless to allow comments on his own blog.

  • I give you credit, Niall in your generosity in proving people’s opinions about you correct. And being an example to show the younger generation that you may not go blind do a certain activity to much but you could turn out like this.

  • EP
    Yeah, looks a bit that way doesn’t it? However on a bad news/inspration day I can always guarantee Niall will have a free and independant thought that flies in the face of all that is known in western civilization.

    I just can’t help myself and feel obliged to use it as a base for a post.

    It’s a formula I use every now and then.

  • Wake up you lot…..the blog’s open. You simply need to wait until comments are fixed. If you can’t, email me. I know none of you will, because you’re too gutless to step out alone, as it were. You’d much rather gather in hordes. C’est la Vie.

  • Why would people bother registering,Niall if the only worth thing replying to is the ‘bait’ to get people to register. It’s better to see you through a fit of frustration because most people aren’t taking the ‘bait’.

  • The last time I commented on Niall’s blog, my comment got deleted — along with all the other comments on that thread.

    I’d rather comment here, where the blog owner is more tolerant.

  • Is Niall fat, beared and hairy? Somehow he just writes fat, beared and hairy. Has anyone got a picture of him?

  • Uhm….hello?? You dimwits clearly can’t read. At least Kevin can. Comments are open, but U/S due to some scripting errors. Soon as they’re fixed, you can comment. I’ll just bet the first one is as abusive as the majority of the above. You lot can’t help yourselves. CB….my brother’s a cop and he agrees with my synopsis of military has-beens. If you, on the other hand want want me to say it to your face, then email me & I’ll give you the address. Always happy to oblige. EP…. you wouldn’t know tolerance if it snuck up & tickled your ear’ole. You’re writings display that clearly enough. Gravett…..what can I say that I haven’t already said apart from…’you’re sad’

  • I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • As a former soldier and Police Officer all I can say Niall is your either full of crap, or your brothers as stupid as you.
    I’ll gladly send you an email, just give me the address and we can see each other face to face so I can see what the terminally stupid look like.

  • Niall….. wonaby….. mimic….. broken.


  • Niall’s alternat reality.

    “Get your facts straight, you fucking military misfit!”

    “I’d be specifically aiming said pieces at idiots like you”

    “dyed-in-the-wool moron element”

    I’ll just bet the first one is as abusive as the majority of the above.

  • Kev, quasi-hosting Niall’s comments page is most generous of you, and rather funny to boot. I drop by the obvious loons (Niall, Crazy Joe Vialls etc) when I need a chuckle at the depths of delusion humans are capable of, but this is quite a twist you have added here!

    Well done!

    (I think you upset poor Niall, though)


  • still waiting for your email so I can give you my address, Gravett. No Guts?

  • Has he managed to find a job yet?

    I can recall a couple of months ago that he received a DCM in his High Finance Position as a result of his falling out with his superior’s lending requirements.

    Idle hands are the Devil’s work, you know!

  • The Devil loves you, Kaboom

  • You’ve got my Email address Niall,pathetic erectus.

  • I won’t leave comments on Niall’s blog, because this will probably happen to them again.

    Niall loves to post insults and criticism on other people’s blogs, but deletes it if someone does the same on his own.

  • Well now I know who Niall is and I still don’t care.

    What was Kev’s post about again?

  • Niall, the Dirty Druidic Deatbeat, is back!


    I must confess I missed you dearly old friend.

    That was very nice of you, Niall, in advising Kevin to get a life, although I fear you may be too late. I think Kev getting paid for shooting commies for a few years is a pretty good job, myself.

    It’s only a shame Menzies and Holt didn’t extend the job description to Australian territory.

  • Niall, if your brother is a cop, when will he arrest you for indecent exposure?

  • Steven, when will you get a life?

  • When every last Satan-worshipping Leftoid has been tarred and feathered.

  • Niall, you’re the man ! At 3.34am after 12 hours and six straight nights in the hack, it’s pretty hard to get amused, but you just crack me up. Thanks mate.

  • Steven….I rest my case.