Commo’s again!

Every now and then I think it relevant to remind ourselves just how bad communism was and how many of their people suffered under it’s yoke. Damien Perry has a post about a new book on Mao Tse Dung that suits the purpose. An extract.
Famine apart, the authors calculate that deaths in prisons and labour camps over Mao’s years from 1949 totalled some 27 million. In the ten years of the Great Purge (1966–76) that came with the Cultural Revolution, at least three million people died violent deaths outside prison. Post-Mao leaders have stated that 100 million people (one-ninth of the entire population) suffered in one way or another during that period.
1966-76. Now let’s see. Who, of all of our Prime Ministers, was it that couldn’t wait to get into bed with these bastards. Oh yes. Comrade Whitlam. It was only recently that the “Communist Manifesto” by Marx and Engels was voted as the most harmful book printed during the 19th and 20th century. I have to agree.