Sea Shepherds annual fund raising underway

The Abbott government yesterday came under pressure to deliver on its anti-whaling rhetoric, after graphic footage of whaling was released by the Sea Shepherd group — with no sign of the promised customs air surveillance. The only rhetoric  I can see is in the sentence;  “anti-whaling rhetoric”…”graphic footage”…”promised air surveillance”…etc leaves no doubt in the readers mind that the Government should drop every thing else and just concentrate on Sea Shepherd’s and/or Bob Brown’s perception of life. The footage was released as part of Sea Shepherd’s annual fund raising resulting in the ABC taking their cue and running the piece as news.  They got their favourite “go to” man, Bob Brown to push for more funds and gave him more air time and oxygen that the destructive bartard deserves. Environment Minister Hunt,  who like me doesn’t like whaling but hates Sea Shepherd tactics more,  says he’ll send a customs plane to the area when the convoy of people going about their business,  followed by the swarm of pirates, enter Australia’s area of responsibility. I trust it gets good footage of Sea Shepherd Pirates endangering vessels and crews at sea as they normally do. With a bit of luck we’ll get footage of one of the pirates being hosed into the sea or better still, a shot of the Pirate’s ship sinking after it rammed a Jap ship like last year.

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