Polls down for Abbott
SUPPORT for the Coalition has plunged to its lowest level in almost four years and voter dissatisfaction with Tony Abbott has jumped to the highest point since he became Prime Minister as the government prepares to deliver across-the-board pain in its first budget.
Amazing, isn’t it? The poor bastard has to fix a huge deficit left by the ALP and he is in trouble.
Mind you it’s totally expected. With the media, the ALP, every organization that lives off government handouts and the weird left wing screaming about mean Abbott and amongst all that, nobody, least of all Shorten, are calling it for what it is – a budget to try and get us out of the very deep hole the ALP have left us.
There is a fair chance the rich are going to pay for it. Bit unfair really because they didn’t cause it and are highly unlikely to have vote the spendthifts in. In a perfect world we would be able to isolate those who did vote them in, particularly the second ALP government, and give them the bill.
Wont happen of course.
What will happen, what has happened since Whitlam got booted, is that the Libs come in to fix the deficits. Over the first year hard decisions are made and their polls plummet with too many people thinking ME and not the country. LNP management starts to produce results and the polls climb to give them another run at government. The country stabilizes, surpluses appear and productivity lifts after union power is curtailed. Everythin’s rosy, people get complacent and with the memory span of a lightening bolt, forget how bad the ALP is at managing finances and everything else except looking after the unions and they fucking vote them back in.
The mysteries of the cycle of life.
Mate, I have stopped reading your blog since you changed to that crappy brown on red colour scheme. It’s impossible to read. Can you go back to something a little easire on the eye.
Ahhh…..That’s better.