Green Filth
A SHY lizard and a threatened snake have brought plans for Australia’s largest mine to a halt.
How can this be allowed to happen! As if it wasn’t bad enough that during the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd government, when Greens collected for their preferences and cost the country billions, we are still hamstrung by their insidious Green tape.
Australia is currently a terrible place to do business and the dominant noise in the background is investors withdrawing their capital.
Along with their capital goes thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in taxes and royalties all because of a skink and snake that are so far down the food chain, that they are lower than Greenies.
Until the government gets control of Green tape investment will be minimal and we will all suffer
Queensland Resources Council chief executive Michael Roche comments;
The red carpet rolled out for the Indian prime minister at the G20 had been replaced withIf the Federal Court can make a decision based on Green submissions that attempts to destroy the nations economy then the law needs to be changed. In today’s Australian even the ALP, who do all they can to stymie development, says the ALP would support a change to the regulations.redgreen tape,
A legal loophole that overturned approval for the biggest proposed coalmine in Australia could be closed after Labor indicated yesterday it would support the resurrection of an aborted 2013 amendment to the Environmental Protection Act.The Greens have a world wide program under way that attacks all aspects of coal mining.
Environment groups have vowed to step up pressure on major banks to stop lending to fossil-fuel projects after the Commonwealth Bank this week ended its role as lead adviser to Adani’s $16 billion mega Carmichael coalmine in Queensland.
Green campaigners said the CommBank decision to withdraw from the project could be a turning point in a long-running global campaign to starve fossil-fuel developments of funding.In other terrifying news, the ALP’s plan to have the country dependant on 50% renewables by 2030 is exposed as insanity.
Bill Shorten faces a renewed Coalition attack over higher electricity prices from his 50 per cent renewable energy goal, after Environment Department analysis found achieving it by 2030 would cost a “ballpark’’ $85 billion.Yep, that’s what it says – $85 billion! I am furious that organizations within Australia are doing their level best to totally stuff the economy. With the hype of Climate Change being accepted as real by the media and the ABC/SBS/ALP left wing cartells, people actually believe that we have an urgent problem. We don’t. We just need to support R & D on renewables and sometime in the future, they will become viable. Until then we need to act to protect our way of life. Laws must be enacted to stop this insidious attack on our country. Radical Green groups need to have their tax free status removed and the public told exactly how dangerous they are. UPDATE: A comment from Catallaxy Files by Stevem;
It’s not even as if the skink would be destroyed. The problem is that amongst the hundreds of submissions on impacts on species in the area the skink and snake were not specifically addressed. It is more than probable that the actions taken to address other species would also protect these two. What is currently occurring is that an extensive survey is done and the mining company addresses every species found in the survey. Once the work is completed it is made public and submitted to the authorities. The green groups then do an even greater survey until they find one or two species not mentioned in the EIS. If approval is given it all goes to court and the cycle repeats. So far it seems Adani has spent a billion dollars to fight a group hell bent on destroying industry in Australia. There has to be a line drawn at some point.Tony Abbott, you have a big job ahead of you but you need to stop this rot.
Here’s an account of what one resident of a small town in the Surat basin thinks of the mining industry –
“Bastards! – They’re locusts”.
That was the description the motelier used when I asked him how the town was faring now that the gas projects had moved from construction to extraction. I was booking into a motel in Miles in the Surat basin.
I was the only person booking in that night (a few weeks ago).
The motelier was referring to the mining companies which have recently moved from the construction phase of their projects to the extraction phase.
“Bastards!” He repeated. “They’re sending us all broke”.
I had driven into town from the south, passing the airport. There was an Alliance 717 on the Tarmac. Three charter buses were pulling up, discharging a gaggle of blokes in hi-vis gear.
Later, after this brief and bitter conversation, I wandered down to the Foodworks to pick up some tucker. There weren’t any blokes in hi-vis gear in the supermarket. They don’t shop there.
Everything they consume at the camp is trucked in under contract from hundreds of kilometres away.
They spend absolutely no money in the town. When I pressed the motelier further, he alluded briefly to locals investing in businesses and property in town in anticipation of growth, only to be left in the lurch.
Two big new motels had been built in anticipation of the boom. They’re pretty much empty, as was the one I was staying in.
The mining companies simply bypassed them. Everything from the workers to the kit is sourced from the coast or down south. The anger and despair in town is palpable.
On checking out the following morning I asked the question, which as a teacher, I always ask.
“Are they employing local kids?”
The answer was “No, all the workers are FIFO and come from the Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne – although they put one local apprentice on last year. It was all over the newspapers”, he said. “Nothing before or since – just a token. We were told there’d be heaps of jobs for locals. It’s all spin”.
As I was leaving, mine host made one thoughtful remark –
“They’ve refined the methodology of destroying small communities, and they’re following it to the letter. The local council went like lambs to the slaughter. They approved everything, yet they’re supposed to be looking after us, their ratepayers”.
I kid you not – that’s verbatim. When I asked him why this was occurring, he said it was all about control. They (the mining companies) want to control every aspect of their employees lives – where they live, with whom they associate, and where they spend their money, he said.
What he didn’t say was that none of them, as a condition of employment, could live outside the camp, nor could they join a union. Or more accurately, if they did, they had to make sure that their employer didn’t find out about it.
The biggest threat to corporate control of power in this country is organised labour. That’s why the mining multinationals and their minions in our federal government are so determined to eliminate it from our national life.
Why “locusts”?
That’s what the locals call the mining multinationals. They blow in, consume, and blow out.
Looks as if I scooped the Oz with this –
The motelier I spoke with can be seen on the front page of today’s Weekend Australian, and he said much the same thing to Jessica Grewal as he said to me.
Apparently Murdoch’s rag is suddenly “infested with rabid watermelons”.
If I lived only 200 k from Miles I don’t think that I would be booking into a motel, or buying tucker down the road.Unless of course there was an ulterior motive.
My “ulterior motive” was that I was working in the town. You’re obviously not wearing your tinfoil hat.
Tin foil hat, how original. You with all that education too.
Maybe I should have come to you for a bit of ad hoc counselling.
But then again the counsellor that I have wouldn’t get such a laugh out of your comments on here and your erudite blog.
Nice cut and paste from your own site back in June. You do realise that this admission on your own site, “This particular fact – that one student has been employed in this town has been true for a number of years”, in reply to my comment makes you look a little silly Robert.
Any one keen enough to check your site under “Locusts” will find my previous comments and may find no further need to waste time commenting in reply to this latest attempt of yours to further knock the mining industry. You didn’t mind making money from your training of counsellors for the families of those mining employees, as you admitted which puts you on the gravy train. Happy to cop the dollars but whinging all the same. The word disingenuous springs to mind when I read your ramblings.
“This particular fact – that one student has been employed in this town has been true for a number of years”
I’m not worried how it makes me look – it happens to be true. The fact that it has been true for a while simply emphasizes the point.
You didn’t mind making money from your training of counsellors for the families of those mining employees, as you admitted which puts you on the gravy train
You need to go back and read my blog – you obviously don’t have a clue. There is/was no “gravy train”. School counselors are appointed using a model based on enrollments. The model makes no acknowledgement of the numbers of students needing counseling, only the total numbers of students enrolled at the various schools. All the demand created by a large cohort of students needing help (because their fathers are absent) does is increase the pressure on the counselors, it made no difference to me – I was training them – not providing the service.
By the way, I’m not attempting to knock the mining industry. I’m simply relating a conversation.
Ms 1735069…..”By the way, I’m not attempting to knock the mining industry. I’m simply relating a conversation”…..I call bulltish on that statement. Your repetition of the post….three occasions that I am aware of, indicates otherwise. The tone of your comments indicates a definite dislike, bordering on hatred, for the manner in which the mining companies operate even though you have no apparent understanding of the employment practices implemented. You are a rabid watermelon.
Take a trip to the Surat basin, and listen to the locals, especially the farmers, the moteliers, and the teachers.
Or better still, have a brief chat to these people at Hopetown –
The leaked report is not reassuring, but they’re only farmers, after all, and apparently don’t rate –