Union rorting

Shorten claims the release of the news that the Trade Union Royal Commission has found he has not committed any indictable offence was released late on Friday night was an attempt to bury his “Innocence” has nothing to do with the timing It is all about Shorten trying to get more media coverage on the announcement. He may not have committed an indictable offence but he has committed and immoral and unethical offence. Any Trade Union official that negotiates a pay decrease for it’s members in exchange for funding that was used to finance his campaign to gain a seat in parliament has to be considered as unethical at best. But that’s the unions for you. Day after tedious day, the Trade Union Royal Commission uncovers examples of union officials stealing members funds for personal gain. Day after day, millions of dollars of unexplained or false invoice deals are uncovered and the Unions and the ALP are still screaming “Witch Hunt” Yes…right fellows. In today’s news;
The Turnbull government will make a staunch defence against any Labor attack on the trade union royal commission in parliament this week, seizing on corruption allegations against the Australian Workers Union. At least five former AWU offic­ials have been criticised in the submissions, including alleg­ations of possible criminal behaviour by Bill Shorten’s former deputy at the union, Cesar Melhem­, who faces a prison sentence if ultimately charged and convicted of falsifying invoices.
Staunch defence!!! They should be attacking, not defending. Every press conference, whatever it’s initial subject, should be closed with ” Did you note today’s news from the Trade Union Royal Commission? Did you note that Secretary X has used X dollars on his or her private expense? Every day, every press meeting. And then table in Parliament a bill that brings Union officials under the same regulations as business leaders. Let ASIC sort it out.

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