We’re going down the gurgler
Victorian government workers are being discouraged from using “heteronormative” terms such as “husband” and “wife” in a new guide to communicating with the LGBTI community.
Instead, the workers are being schooled in adopting gender-neutral pronouns “zie” and “hir
Victorian Equality Minister Martin Foley (pictured above) says the government’s responsibility is to keep people safe, including the LGBTI community.Yes, a Minister in an elected government in a first world country actually think this is important. The same government closes down coal power generation thus following the Greens/Left Wing plan of driving manufacturing out of the state. Over in South Australia the Greens/Left Wing deindustrialization plan is well advanced as their dependence on wind and solar has virtually brought the state to an industrial standstill. Ore processing plants are tallying up the costs of molten metal cooled in their plants as power blackouts stop the process. An overseas think tank on oil and gas investment releases a timely report on our fall from grace. Southeastern Australian states, already facing a looming energy supply crisis, are among some of the least attractive for oil and gas investment and are ranked worse than some of the world’s most dangerous countries, according to an annual survey published by a Canadian think tank.
Victoria has fallen from Australia’s most attractive destination for investment in 2011 to its second worst, while Queensland has also recorded the largest drop in any jurisdiction in Oceania.Over in the US, Andrew Liveris, Trump’s nominee to head the Manufacturing Council nominates tax cuts, cheap energy, elimination of red tape, worker reskilling and integrated supply chains as the keys to reviving US manufacturing and jobs. In Victoria and SA the ALP are busy closing down cheap power sources and telling me I should refer to my wife as “hir” as they roll around the floor laughing at how dumb Trump is. The irony…it hurts.
It seems that a lot of people are starting to get worried about the welfare states down south Kev, and of course we should be. The Marxists have been planning this for a very long time.
Couldn’t agree more about the “gurgler”, Kev, but I doubt very much that issuing caveats about language is the problem.
When I started teaching kids with disabilities back in the seventies, they were called “handicapped”, the school I worked at was called the State School for Spastic Children, and the word “retarded” was in use.
These days, they’re called children with disabilities, the term used for the condition is cerebral palsy, and we talk about people with intellectual impairments. This has not really been a problem, except to those stuck in the dark ages, and there are a few of them still around. So the carry-on about “zie” and “hir” is a beat-up, and has as much significance as the advent of “Ms” instead of “Miss”. Mind you, I can still remember some getting their knickers in a knot over that.
And I think you’ll find that the voters of Victoria are OK with keeping people safe (including the LGBTI community).
As for “driving manufacturing out of the state”, an examination of the history of the decline of the sector in Victoria and South Australia, will show that it began long before there was any commitment to renewable energy.
Take the vehicle manufacturing industry. Remember General Motors in Detroit being taunted by the Abbott government asking “are you going to stay or are you going to go?” In early December 2013, there was a verbal assault from senior ministers in parliament, demanding Holden immediately announce its long-term intentions. Check the Hansard – it’s all there for the reading. It had little to do with energy, and along with the demise of Ford and Toyota, and all the component manufacturers they supported, constituted the biggest blow to manufacturing in SA and Victoria.
The loss of manufacturing has a whole lot more to do with international trade and greed driven corporate strategies than it has with energy supply. There’s pinch of ideology thrown in for good measure, part of which is “bugger the workers”.
My generation could find a job, buy a house, and forge a lifelong career. These days, young people are lucky to find work that is permanent, they’ve got Buckley’s chance of buying a home unless mum and dad help with the deposit, and they can’t make long term financial commitments because they’re seen as commodities rather than employees. The gap between rich and poor is widening, and the middle class is shrinking.
Take a look at the almost weekly scandals being revealed around young workers employed by franchises like 7/11 and the exploitation of students on work visas.
The gurgler we’re going down is the one that leads to the creation of a class of working poor, something we’ve never had before in this country because the union movement had the necessary political clout to resist it. The ideologues in the Coalition have set out to destroy the union movement, leaving Australian workers (particularly those starting out in the world of work) unprotected and vulnerable.
That’s the real “gurgler”.