Social justice or football?

So the SJFL (Social Justice Football League) previously known as the AFL are in trouble for calling for the resignation of two executives because they had affairs with two women also employed by the SJFL. The two women were not subordinates of the men, there were no complaints from the women and they weren’t teenagers.  Nowhere has there been a suggestion of harassment, bullying or discrimination nor has it been suggested that the affairs were non consensual.

The AFL is facing mounting criticism over a decision to force the resignation of two executives over workplace affairs, with its hard-line approach going far ­beyond what is considered best practice across the corporate and government sectors.

The AFL was accused of overreacting in calling for the resignations of its head of operations Simon Lethlean and commercial boss Richard Simkiss and of acting primarily to protect its own reputation from accusations it runs a blokey workplace culture.

The men were married but it’s not as if that doesn’t happen in pretty well every work place in Australia.

The SJL are forever going on about social justice to the detriment of and distraction from the game.  I’m not interested in the players sexual habits nor the colour of his skin.  I am simply interested in his agility, skills and sportsmanship and I’m not in a minority.

I’ll start watching AFL again when it drops it’s social justice agenda and starts concentrating on it’s core responsibility – providing sport for the masses.


Anne Coulter on Trump’s supposed telling the Russians a secret

The big secret Trump allegedly revealed is that Muslims might try to blow up a plane with laptops. I already knew that. I read it in The New York Times.

The New York Times, March 22, 2017:

Devices Banned on Some Planes Over ISIS Fears

“Intelligence showing that the Islamic State is developing a bomb hidden in portable electronics spurred the United States and Britain on Tuesday to bar passengers from airports in a total of 10 Muslim-majority countries from carrying laptop computers … two senior American counterterrorism officials said. …”

This totally secret, Deep Throat-level information has been widely published in thousands of news outlets throughout the civilized world. There was yet another round of stories last week with the update that the U.S. is considering a laptop ban on flights from Europe as well.

Trump met with the Russian Ambassador on 10 May, a full three weeks after the laptop “secret” was headlined in the NYT.

Seriously, the attacks against Trump are bordering on insanity.

Ever watched a rugby game of 7 year olds.  They all just chase the ball wherever it goes. Makes me think of journalists.

The drop the “Trump told the Russians a secret” line but to prove that that is bad for the US someone kicks the ball and they all swarm after it.

It lands near UK PM.

Trying to establish the fact that the incident has prompted fears that the US’ allies may be reluctant to share intelligence with the country in future they question Theresa May but she doesn’t see their point.

Asked whether the reports would make her reluctant to share intelligence with the president, she replied that: “We continue to work with the United States and we continue to share intelligence with the United States, as we do with others around the world.”

The swarm settle and murmer amongst themselves.  Someone else kicks the ball and they all chase after it.  It lands in Israel.

It appears the fact that terrorist were looking to use laptops to blow up planes comes from Israel.  The swarm need to prove that allies hate Trump and won’t trust him anymore with state secrets.  

State secrets that were printed in the NYT two odd weeks before the event.

In the wake of the reports, Israeli officials have expressed confidence in the intelligence-sharing relationship.

Tweeting Wednesday morning, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman wrote, “The security relationship between Israel and our greatest ally the United States, is deep, significant and unprecedented in volume.”

“This relationship with the US is unprecedented in its contribution to our strength. This is how it has been and how it will continue to be,” Liberman added.

Israeli Minister of Intelligence Israel Katz also weighed in today.

“I have complete confidence in the American intelligence community. Intelligence cooperation between Israel and the United States regarding the threats posed by Iran and its proxies and ISIS and its affiliates will continue and deepen,” Katz said.

No joy there either.  


And none here.

  Even Democrat Nancy Pelosi warns the Trump666 crowd to get real.

At a CNN town hall Monday evening, Mrs. Pelosi warned Democrats pushing the impeachment of President Trump and said if they can’t make the case they shouldn’t even suggest the idea.

“In other words, again, if you are talking about impeachment, you are talking about what are the facts. Not that I don’t like him and I don’t like his hair and — what are the facts?” she said. “What are the facts that you would make a case on? What are the rules that he may have violated? If you don’t have that case you are just participating in more hearsay.”

No worries, the scrum return to the centre and someone again kicks the ball

They all chase after it like the swarm of 7 year olds they are and they just keep chasing it until something else come up.

Like this alarming fact.

At the White House he gets two scoops of ice cream while every one else gets only one.



Voltaire awards

Apparently free speech is only free if it attacks us conservatives. Liberty Victoria has announced Gillian Triggs as the 2017 winner of the Voltaire Award for her contribution to free speech.

Yep…really…free speech

Chris Kenny at The Australian says;

This is the ultimate sellout of the human rights crowd. Triggs is lauded not for adhering to their lofty principles but for being on the right side of their partisan political debates. Look at her record: she delayed an inquiry into children in detention for 18 months for political reasons; pursued three university students for years over innocuous Facebook posts; allowed the commission to spruik for complaints that were then taken up against cartoonist Bill Leak; and has repeatedly misled and been forced to correct her evidence to various parliamentary inquiries.

All of which suits Liberty Victoria’s charter.

In July Professor Triggs will share the stage at a gala award function in Melbourne with Georgie Stone, Liberty Victoria’s first recipient of its Young Voltaire Award for becoming, at age 10, “the youngest person in Australia to be granted permission by a court to take hormone blockers, the first stage of medical treatment for transgender children.”

I understand that from a left perspective anyone who attacks free speech such as Triggs does, is worthy of the award but what the hell has a poor trouble gender confused kid got to do with free speech?

According to Georgie Stone her first words were “Mum, I want a vagina.”  and that was when she was two!

Right….nothing suss there.  

According the Mayo Clinic website;

Although every child grows and develops at his or her own pace, toddler speech development tends to follow a fairly predictable path. For example, the average 2-year-old:

  • Speaks at least 50 words
  • Links two words together, such as “my cup” or “no juice”
  • Speaks clearly enough for parents to understand about half of the words

But not our Georgie.  No sir! She’s way ahead of that.  Full sentence…complicated word.

“Mum, I want a vagina”.

I understand and have empathy with kids with gender problems but Georgie is obviously an alphabet promotion and propaganda tool as is the Voltair award itself.

Come back Lewis Carroll, we need you to explain this.

Previous recipients of the left-wing gala award include Julian Assange, Get Up!, Julian Burnside, David Marr, Richard Ackland, Stephen Mayne and Waleed Aly.


Trump and the Climate Change scam

The left are panicking about Trump’s dismissal of Climate change and threat to pull out of the Paris Accord. Andrew Light, who served as senior adviser to Todd Stern, Obama’s special envoy on climate change who led America’s Paris negotiations, says it’s too early to know Trump’s intentions.

But, apparently, it’s not to early to make this outrageous statement.

He says climate change, for instance, is widely seen to have played a role in igniting the Syrian civil war that has led to millions of refugees and the emergence of the so-called Islamic State

And they wonder why skeptics exist.

From The Age so you know it’s left skewed but it always pays to read the enemies words

Trump vs Turnbull

Turnbull gives a speech after Trump’s win and says to Australia“don’t panic”; Frydenburg called Trump a “dropkick”; Bishop said before the election that Trump threatens Australia’s interests and the leader of the Opposition calls Trump “Barking Mad”

There’s payback due there and I can’t understand why Australia is upset at Trump giving Turnbull a hard time.

He deserves it. We deserve it.

What benefit does the US get from taking in our 1250 country shopper problems?. None that I can see particularly after Trump’s pause on accepting people from the same area that the 1250 come from.

If he takes them he is backing down on one of his election promises and, after all, the entire deal was set up by Turnbull and Obama during OBama’s lame duck days.

Talk about leaving a land mine for your replacement.

All this hassle over a bunch of country shoppers from the Middle East paying tens of thousands of dollars for a seat in a boat to take them to Centrelink.

They are simply not worth the diplomatic damage.

A deal will eventually be stitched up but I’m with Trump on this one.


At the Innauguration….Trump supporter Brighde Staatz, from The Gap in Brisbane is posing for photos with her husband, former US baseball player Justin Staatz, and their 18-month-old son Mason. 

I am a Trump fan, I agree with a lot of his policies and I don’t like Obamacare”

Why not?

Well, it appears that her health insurance premiums have skyrocketed under Obamacare.

She says;

For my family of three I pay $1500 a month and that’s absurd in my opinion. Ordinary Americans can’t afford that.

Only a socialist would think that’s reasonable.

From Cameron Stewart in The Australian (hard copy only)


We’re going down the gurgler

Victorian government workers are being discouraged from using “heteronormative” terms such as “husband” and “wife” in a new guide to communicating with the LGBTI community. Instead, the workers are being schooled in adopting gender-neutral pronouns “zie” and “hir
Victorian Equality Minister Martin Foley (pictured above) says the government’s responsibility is to keep people safe, including the LGBTI community.
Yes, a Minister in an elected government in a first world country actually think this is important. The same government closes down coal power generation thus following the Greens/Left Wing plan of driving manufacturing out of the state. Over in South Australia the Greens/Left Wing deindustrialization plan is well advanced as their dependence on wind and solar has virtually brought the state to an industrial standstill. Ore processing plants are tallying up the costs of molten metal cooled in their plants as power blackouts stop the process. An overseas think tank on oil and gas investment releases a timely report on our fall from grace. Southeastern Australian states, already facing a looming energy supply crisis, are among some of the least attractive for oil and gas investment and are ranked worse than some of the world’s most dangerous countries, ­according to an annual survey published by a Canadian think tank.
Victoria has fallen from Australia’s most attractive destination for investment in 2011 to its second worst, while Queensland has also recorded the largest drop in any jurisdiction in Oceania.
Over in the US, Andrew Liveris, Trump’s nominee to head the Manufacturing Council nominates tax cuts, cheap energy, elimination of red tape, worker reskilling and integrated supply chains as the keys to reviving US manufacturing and jobs. In Victoria and SA the ALP are busy closing down cheap power sources and telling me I should refer to my wife as “hir” as they roll around the floor laughing at how dumb Trump is. The irony…it hurts.

Looking good!

Donald Trump has selected one of the best-known climate skeptics to lead his U.S. EPA transition team, according to two sources close to the campaign. For my money I hope that the US EPA are downgraded to toddling off down to the White House backyard to just check the rain gauge. …….. On election eve Hillary chose not to front her supporters but had John Podesta stand in for her. In case you missed it, that’s this John Podesta, who is part of a Greens cabal that costs Australia $1.2 billion annually and denies us the income of billions of dollars from royalties and tax. He may still have an impact but at least it won’t be the US Government attacking our economy. Meanwhile, the Democrats get some payback as their battle to close down coal gets a kickback in the elections. Why has Adarni had to endure 7 years of Green tape. What the hell is going on? Fix it Turnbull, before you feel the wrath of us Aussie Deplorables  

Clinton caught out again

The FBI, while investigation a case of an adult male sexting a 15 year old girl, confiscate his laptop and while going through it found 650,000 emails relating to state issues with Hillary Clinton’s stamp all over them. The man being investigated is Anthony Weiner, the estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin.  In the flurry to destroy the evidence of thousands of emails the Clinton camp apparently didn’t realize that an auto-sync feature between Huma & Weiner inadvertently saved the deleted emails on Weiner’s machine. Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive. Hillary Clinton’s use of a private unsecured email server during her tenure as secretary of state has been on the boil for months and so it should be. We now have state emails stored on a civilian laptop which raises the question. Is there anything the communists and radical Islamic terrorists don’t know about the USA’s strategy under the Obama/Clinton administration? I doubt it. Next week millions of US citizens will vote for Hillary – it’s a worry. More on Democrat Weiner  
American politician Anthony Weiner, former member of the United States House of Representatives from New York City, has been involved in three sexual scandals related to sexting, or sending explicit sexual material by cell phone. The first, sometimes dubbed Weinergate, led to his resignation as a congressman in 2011. The second, during his attempt to return to politics as candidate for mayor of New York City, involved three women Weiner admitted having sexted after further explicit pictures were published in July 2013. The third, in 2015 but publicized in 2016, resulted in an announced intended separation between him and his wife, Huma Abedin.
  But…but… Trump sexually humiliated Jennifer Hawkins, Australian ex Miss Universe screams The Australian headline. Oh, hang on, he didn’t.
“Just on that whole subject, Donald and his family I have to say, have always been respectful to me,” the former Miss Universe told News Corp at Victoria Derby Day today.
Media bias…nah…never happen.  
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