Tony Blair talking tough

In this article from the BBC, Tony Blair has called for tougher laws and a global drive to tackle the “evil” ideology behind the London bombings.
Talks are to begin on bringing in new laws covering preparations for attacks and to make it easier to deport people trying to “incite hatred“, he told MPs.
We need something like that here in Australia. Catch a Cleric preaching jihad….send him back home…..immediately…..without appeal.

More Guantanamo abuse

Another report has been released detailing ‘abuse’ at Guantonamo Bay. Aljazeera carry the story on their front page alongside reports of terrorists blowing up kids in a free chocalate queue in Baghdad and British police attempts to sort out the London bombing attrocity.
But looking into FBI reports of abuse, the investigators found multiple instances at the prison, including the use of duct tape on at least one prisoner’s face, a threat to kill another prisoner’s family, and inappropriate touching by female interrogators.
Oh, my God…duct tape over the terrorists face. How barbaric. Almendha goes one better by carrying a story of an art exhibition in Rome with Guantonamo Abuse as a theme. To be sure, it’s a weird world we live in.

Ripley’s ‘Believe it, or not”

THE MUSLIM HOLY BOOK, THE KORAN, HAS BEEN MISTREATED AT THE US DETENTION CAMP IN CUBA. Oh My God! Read of the evil guards and their horrific crimes against humanity here.
In one instance on July 25, 2003, a “contract interrogator” apologised to a detainee for stepping on the detainee’s Koran. The reports says the detainee accepted the apology and agreed to tell other detainees who had started to protest over the incident.
So the Koran was most probably on the cell floor and the guard inadvertantly stepped on it.
In another incident on August 21, 2003, a detainee, who could speak some English, complained a two-word obscenity had been written into his English version of the Koran. The report said it could not be established who desecrated the Koran in that case. “It is possible that a guard committed this act; it is equally possible that the detainee wrote in his own Koran,” the military report says.
And…..?? (waiting for someone to tell me the point of this)
In another case, a guard’s urine splashed on a detainee and his Koran. Southern Command said a guard urinated near an air vent and “the wind blew his urine through the vent” and on to a detainee and his Koran. The guard was reprimanded and assigned to a different duty that meant he had no contact with detainees for the rest of his assignment at Guantanamo.
As above. This is it! That’s the best they can do. Is that their counter to decapitation and suicide bombers. Have press and other forces of darkness pushed the US military so far that they are now gun shy about anything that can be classified as ‘abuse’. The people incarcerated in Cuba are happy, and in fact and practice, besides themselves, when given the opportunity to slit some innocents throat or blow up woman and kids and we are apologising for inadvertantly stepping on a their Koran that they left on the floor. Is this a propaganda coup for the dark forces or not? Has the world turned on it’s head, or what? I simply can’t believe the story warranted column inches anywhere, let alone in a national newspaper. Someone needs to get some testosterone here and tell the press to shut up and get a grip on reality and when questioned about such trivia, Military spokesmen should laugh, say “Yeah, whatever”, and walk away. People making a meal out of these crumbs shouldn’t be given any oxygen. Arabnews wants the officers brought to trial..really
JEDDAH, 6 June 2005 — The 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) yesterday urged the United States to bring the officers responsible for the desecration of the Holy Qur’an to immediate justice.
Did the conference agenda cover any other crimes against humanity, like suicide bombers? Most probably not. They would be saying the US is weakened by their own media, lets keep attacking.

Douglas Wood Update

Al-Mendhar reports on the Aussie hostage still held captive in Iraq and quote The Australian Grand Mufti as saying – The Hostage was Transported to a Safe Place
Sydney: Sheikh Taj Eddin Al Hilali, Grand Mufti of Muslims in Australia, said that Iraqi clans’ chiefs have informed him that the Australian hostage Douglas Wood has been transported to a safer place and that he has to return to Baghdad to release Wood.
More here

Blog Roll

Tim Dunlop doesn’t like him so he must make sense. Go check Faris, QC, a new entry on my blogroll. Good to hear of someone from the legal profession who isn’t waving the ‘Poor Refugee’ banner .

The SMH has an article quoting James Faris as A former chairman of the National Crime Authority who says;

…torture is acceptable against terrorists and in some domestic criminal situations.

A contrary view is always welcome.

Here we go again…

From Major K (no relation)
Some sleaze published a photo of Saddam Hussein in his underwear. Now the witch-hunt is starting. Another resource-hogging investigation will ensue, and somebody will probably get punished. Has everyone forgotten that this guy is a mass murderer?! So someone leaked a photo of him in his skivvies – Big Deal. His leftover cronies are trying to blow us up. I feel no pity for him, only contempt.
With you all the way, Major.

Torture Recommended

John Quiggin raises the issue of a SMH report that reports two Australian academics are advocating the legalisation of torture. In the SMH Mirko Bagaric says;
“Let’s say that straight after the first plane hit in New York you had a person in custody who admitted they had overheard the [September 11] organisers’ plans and knew there were going to be further attacks, but then refused to say any more. “In those circumstances you would start with a minimum degree of harm; if that didn’t work, you would escalate it. And if that unfortunately resulted in an innocent person being killed, in those circumstances that would be justified. I think as a society we would accept that one person being killed to save thousands is legitimate.”
I’m sorry, I don’t see what’s wrong with that statement, although killing the guy is a bit counter-productive. Hard to get life-saving info from a corpse. For all the bleading hearts about to attack…you will simply never know just how much of this type of thing has contributed to the society that you enjoy today.

Another step

Kuwaiti women win political rights
Kuwait’s parliament has granted women the right to vote and stand in elections for the first time in the Gulf state’s history.
Could be goos good news. Wonder where they got that idea from?
The decision on Monday, finalised after several years of debate, was passed by a 35-23 vote after one legislator abstained.
Not unanimous but hey, it’s a start,
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