It’s the Sun, Stupid




The warming from the Sun is cyclical, it’s NOT constant. The distance of where you are from the Sun is constantly changing because both the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is irregular and the Sun itself wobbles due to the combined gravitational pull of all the planets together. Look at the Schwabe solar cycle of 11 years, the Jose solar cycle of solar Inertial Motion of 179 years, Eddy Solar Cycle of 1000 years, the Bray-Halstatt Cycles of 2300-2500 years, then look into the three Milankovitch Cycles.

Short to medium term climate change:
Solar Inertial Motion: the combined mass of the planets also moves the position of the Sun through their combined gravitational pull, meaning the Sun moves around following the ever moving barycentre of the Solar system rather than being in a fixed central point in the middle Solar System. That is the key thing to understand: the Sun is moving around, wobbling in spiral like motion as it travels, it is not stationary. Once you understand that all medium term climate change can be explained simply because of the Sun’s changing distance from the Earth.

None of this has anything to do with humans. None of this has anything to do with CO2. The models of the Solar System you grew up believing as a child were gross over simplifications. They conditioned you to believe that the Solar system has a fixed Sun position with a regular Sun activity with regular orbits, of which the Earth is one. Yet that is not the reality: not only the earth both tilts and wobbles as it orbits, but the orbit is a changing ellipse not a perfect circle, meaning the distance from the Sun is not constant. These are the three Milankovitch cycles. Also other planets have irregular orbits.

The combined effect of all these irregular orbits together pulls the Sun off centre of the solar system into the barycentre. A wobbling Sun is the real reason for short to medium term climate change, and an irregular earth orbit, tilt and wobble is the reason for long term climate change.

And this is just the beginning of the story of irregularity in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, then there are cycles of Sun activity, making it stronger and weaker according to how close to the 11 year cycle of magnetic poles flip it is, next being in 2024, and how many Sun spots & Solar flares we are exposed to.

Then you need to factor volcanic activity, the Hunga-Tonga Hunga underwater volcanic eruption of January 2022 increased the water vapour in the stratosphere by 10%, this in itself will cause considerable warming of the planet in most regions.

It’s definitely not a simplistic neat black and white story of CO2, a minor greenhouse gas, as 95% of the earth’s greenhouse gases are constituted by water vapour instead.

Humans have no power to determine either the orbit of the Earth around the Sun or the Sun’s internal & external activity, or the water vapour in the atmosphere.

Life adapts much more easily to higher temperatures and increases in CO2, particularly plants, vegetation, trees, plankton& phytoplankton, than it does to decreases in CO2.

The real danger is a decrease of CO2, and a decrease in temperature, not an increase in either.

Once again, we have been deceived by a systematically corrupt scientific funding system linked to oligarchs interests.

CO2 was always a control knob for economic prosperity, not climate.

DVA ‘Woke’ Letterhead

I don’t have an issue with DVA but this came to my notice and I do have an issue with this type of woke rubbish.

The Veterans, the reason the department exists, gets a throw-away line at the end of paragraph.

Just to save you the trouble of looking it up, the last flag on the right is the ‘trans pride’ flag.  It’s hard to think of a woke meme these bureaucrats have overlooked.  All that is lacking is the writer’s pronouns. 

From a Quadrant article by Peter O’Brien

Ukraine – some history

Ukraine brought the Russian attack on itself by poking the bear in its eyes repeatedly since the 2014 coup. Yet now its leader has the gall to petition the US Congress to start WWII via standing-up a No Fly Zone in lieu of the obvious solution: Namely, Zelensky should resign and make way for a collaborationist government that will sue for peace on the following basis:

  • Recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and always has been since it was purchased by Catherine the Great in 1783;
  • Permit the separation of the Donbass Republics from Ukraine because the overwhelmingly Russian speaking populations there has been part of “New Russia” for more than 300 years and do not wish to be ruled by the anti-Russian fascists and oligarchs who control Kiev;
  • Amend the constitution of the rump state of Ukraine to prohibit its joining NATO or any similar western alliance, while reducing its military to a domestic law enforcement agency.


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Weird US Democrats

Buttigieg is literally why we cannot have nice things

The nation’s (USA) chain of supplies is a mess because ships cannot unload their goods at ports in California. They cannot unload because the trucks aren’t there. The trucks aren’t there because the EPA banned most of them last October.


Meanwhile, the man who should be tending matters is on a vacation that began in August. After just six months on the job, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has taken a two-month vacation so he and his husband can enjoy the twins they adopted.

Now there’s some weird shit right there.

Just love those Democrats working studiously on stuffing up the economy

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The Brain

The plasticity of the human brain. An answer to my eternal question “why do we dream?” and a lot more.  nearly 40 minutes but set the time aside – it’s worth it.


The truth about Afghan Women

We did the wrong thing, perhaps for the right reason. We wanted to develop that country and rescue Afghan women. Their lives were hellish, girls banned from school, women forbidden to leave their homes except in the company of a male guardian, vigilantes beating them with sticks if their burqa was too short. We wanted them to enjoy the pleasures of modernity and live full, happy lives.


Along with the rest of that failed nation-building venture, we got this part wrong too. And now, instead of recalibrating, we are full speed ahead compounding the harm.

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