A good day for an old conservative

Gillard is off to India to try and recover from ALP Stuff-up #435 when in the earlier days of government they reneged on uranium sales to India that had been initiated and signed off by the Howard government. At the time (Jan 2008) I wrote;
I can imagine a host of other countries waiting for us to let them down…to reneg on signed deals for ideology alone. They’ll be looking up all their agreements with us – vetting them to ensure they meet the ideological standards of the ALP loonies and looking to count their losses and resolving to never deal with us again.
Now she’s back to fix the original stuff-up. The Left and the Greens are screaming and next month’s ALP conference promises to be interesting. Abbott goes to Indonesia with some ministers and has a one-on-one with SBY. A bit embarrassing for the ALP as it would indicate the Indons see Abbott as the next PM and that they need to talk to him. Emmerson and the rest of the ALP, including the ABC, are all over the fact that Abbott didn’t mention turning the boats back but I guess they have to find something wrong with the visit as it may turn peoples attention away from the debacle that is their own open-slather border policy. Thompson, the whore monger, is being defended by the ALP as was Slipper the sexist. Craig Emerson said the Coalition had already acted as “judge and jury” on the allegations against the former Labor MP. I guess he means just like Roxon acted as judge and jury in the Ashby vs Slipper case. So long as the case put together by FWA is current during the lead up to the election and it appears it will be, then the ALP will be suffering all kinds of nightmares. A bonus would be the police charging him – surely that’s on the cards. A good day for an old conservative – and then there is this; Of more importance to me is this notice I found at http://trove.nla.gov.au/ while searching for details on my family in West Australia. Trove is a great source for info as it has digitized most Australian newspapers from the 19th century through to now. Quiet a shock really The paper was dated 1946. It’s amazing that I would get this far considering my life style and career choices.

Dog’s day out

The family Labs ready for an outing that turned sour for them when it turned into a dog wash. It turned sour for me as well when I’m left holding the baby who very quickly decides I’m not Mum. She is not happy. Saturday morning is supposed to be devoted to reading The Weekend Australian. This Saturday morning was devoted to dragging up repressed memories from my young father days on how to quieten a whinging child – all I could remember was give it back to the mother! The cycle of life goes on – I have two little girls hanging around my feet again and like the first time round, I’m loving it. I’ll read the paper later.

Legacy Week

Remember this week is Legacy week made all the more relevant by recent losses in Afghanistan. You will see soldiers at shopping centres with Legacy Badges for sale. Go to them, buy a badge and commiserate with them over the recent loss of mates. Don’t forget!

On Leave

Heading down to Melbourne tomorrow to attend a Regimental reunion followed by a run through the Great Ocean Road, Bendigo, Bathurst, Griffith and back home. See you in two weeks

Glass half full or half empty

The Australian Headline: Ashby conspiracy claims backfire The Age Headline: Ashby facing prospect of criminal charges, court hears. The Australian quotes Justice Rares;
….Justice Steven Rares in the Federal Court this morning said that the allegations of a criminal conspiracy from Mr Slipper and senior ministers meant that Mr Ashby could no longer be forced to make a submission against the allegations in the civil case because he may incriminate himself. “You have raised the stakes, now in raising the stakes you cannot just pull back a bit . . . You don’t know how somebody might use that information in a criminal investigation,” Justice Rares told Mr Slipper’s lawyer David Chin. “He does not have to give his name if he is involved in and suspected of a crime . . . If we do not uphold those rights in our society we live in a police state.”
The Age does quote Justice Rare but only just. Buried deep within the article that concentrates on quoting ALP senior minister’s seemingly interfering with due process (Albanese and Roxon) they finally mention the relevant point;
Justice Steven Rares said Mr Ashby could not be forced to incriminate himself.
Gina attacking, shares spiralling down and next year a likely conservative government…you have to feel sorry for The Age

State of Origin

A great Game I think its always best when we win in the last minute by just a kick. It gives the Blues and the state of NSW the whole game to live in hope only to have their hopes dashed at the last minute. Makes the victory all the sweeter particularly when 4.8 million witnessed the game.

Black Caviar wins at Ascot

Ted Eagan has a song out already celebrating the mare’s great series of 22 straight wins – a success record not equaled for over 150 years. Had a beer with Ted years ago at his house in Alice. Typical of Ted it was called “Sink-a-tinny Downs”…and we sank some! He is well know and respected in the Territory for the good works he has done for our indigenous brothers

Dingo guilty!

Can’t see why. What is the evidence that a dingo did it? I can imagine NT coroner Elizabeth Morris finding the dingo guilty just to end the bloody case as we have been dealing with it for 32 years so far. There might be case to give the Chamberlains closure and peace of mind but guilty findings are supposed to be on hard evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt and I haven’t read any reports that can be taken as conclusive. Still, the good news is we shouldn’t have to read about it anymore.

Someone pressed his ‘off’ button

MEN everywhere should today stop to remember Eugene Polley – the man who invented the first wireless TV remote control. Polley, 96, died of natural causes at an Illinois hospital, according to Zenith Electronics, his workplace from 1935 to 1982. Of course, women may not be so keen to stop and remember – not my wife anyway. Since my first remote TV (connected to the TV via a cable) I’ve had it in my hand whenever we sat and watched TV. My infantry trained ears could detect a commercial approaching as well as any sneaky enemy and I’d zap the TV to the alternative channel that hopefully wasn’t also in a commercial mode. If it was then I simply surfed avoiding anything that remotely looked like a commercial until the programme resumed. My wife couldn’t handle that which is why I’m now watching Origin football in my study with a USB TV stick in my laptop and she is watching some girlie rubbish on the big TV in the lounge. I bet she even leaves the TV on the same channel when the adds come along. Strange…
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