AMA miss the point

FOREIGN doctors, which comprise up to 40% of the medical workforce, could avoid Australia because of the way Mohamed Haneef’s case has been handled, the Australian Medical Association says. Good. Clearly the only doctors who won’t come here because of the way we are treating Haneef will be those associated with terrorism. They will see that we are serious about keeping an eye on them and subsquently stay away. Doctors are generally smart and educated – aren’t they? They’ll work that out pretty quick for sure…..hang on…..AMA….they’re doctors as well. Ah well, must be a political statement.


  • Oh Kev, you don’t really think anyone believes that Haneef had anything to do with terrorism, do you? this is just a show of foot-stomping to try and keep Howard in office. they have NOTHING on the Haneef guy and it took them more than two weeks to find that nothing.

    This story will peeter out like the rest of them, he’ll be acquitted quietly, paid to shut up, and his family will have him home again.

    Doctors won’t come here because, just like the rest of us, it’s starting to look like a pretty scary place to live. When you can be detained indefinitely just because you happen to know someone who may or may not be a terrorist, it makes you wonder if it could be you next.

    I rode in an elevator with Gerry Adams once. Glad I didn’t, like, TALK to him or anything…

  • No, they’ll avoid Australia because it now appears that the Australian Government does not respect the rule of law.

  • I would have thought that preventing terrorist attacks would be better served by a fair, intelligent, open, honest and well-directed operation.

    Apparently, locking up foreigners without evidence, lying about the details, then having a hissy fit when you get caught out is much more effective.

  • Jeff,
    Which specific rule of law?

    To the best of my knowledge it was initiated by the AFP on receipt of intel from the Brit police re Haneef. Do you have insider info…c’mon…let us all in on your secret.

    You might be scared with your conspiracy theories feeding your hatred of Howard but I think you’ll find most people are seeing past the media storm and waiting for the outcome.

  • Jobby,
    You really are showing your colours. Like Caito you obviously have insider information or you couldn’t say there is no evidence…share it with us mortals.

    I’m not aware of any lies either…..could you help me and tell me who lied about what.

    I’m ever eager to learn

  • Ha! That’s really funny. The British intel that turned up… wait for it… a sim card, lent to a relative. Big whoops. Surely you watch enough CSI to know that that evidence, my friend, is pathetic?

    Is that the same British Intel agency that assured us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

    And we know they had nothing else on him for a fact. If they had anything else on him, they would charge him with it in a flash. The guy is innocent.

  • And we know they had nothing else on him for a fact
    Oh well that’s ok then. Obviously you have the access and technical expertise to decrypt his computer in less time than the AFP.

    Dropkick…the entire evidence isn’t in yet howver you may be right…he may be innocent, but you sure as hell don’t know that.

  • And isn’t that the point, Kev? innocent until PROVEN guilty? The guy has been jailed for more than two weeks BEFORE any charges were laid, and now he is in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and it hasn’t gone to court yet.

    And yeah, I do know a bit about “decrpyt”ing a computer and I know enough to know that they would have had that bit done in the first couple of days.

    My point is, they’ve had plenty of time to get anything on him and they failed. These guys can get transcripts of our every phone conversation, they can tell you every book you borrowed, every video you hired, every time you log on to the internet, what you downloaded, what time you hung out your washing. These guys have access to everything and if they haven’t got anything by now, then there is nothing to find.

    They know it, too. That’s why they made up that stuff about the Gold Coast high rise.

  • Even Mick Keelty agrees with us. This is from the SMH today about the Gold Coast pix that turned out to be nothing…

    ‘It was the last thing Mr Keelty needed after weeks of controversy over the Haneef case, including British police sources describing Australian police as “a laughing stock” after the revelation that the crucial claim against the doctor – that his SIM card was found at the scene of a Glasgow bombing attempt – was false.

    “We will be taking the extraordinary step of contacting Dr Haneef’s lawyer to correct the record,” Mr Keelty said.’

  • The guy has been jailed for more than two weeks BEFORE any charges were laid, and now he is in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day and it hasn’t gone to court yet.

    It has gone to court and he was remanded on Bail. He declined to pay the bail so is still being held. I want him in solitary until the situation is clarified lest he actually do some mischief.

    We do not now that he is an innocent victim – he still may be a bad guy…let’s wait until all is revealed

    You appear to be overwhelmed by the the new terrorist laws that allow for people to be held until the authorities have had time to gather evidence. The terrorist generally is not some innocuous crim accused of robbery with violence but a zealot who would detonate a nuclear bomb in downtown Brisbane if he could.

    Different rules apply and I don’t care if he is held for a month or more without charge – the AFP must be given time to pursue the mater fully. The ability to hold suspected terrorists without charge is for just that reason – for the AFP to pursue all avenues rather than be rushed and miss something.

    I would also think the AFP would be given the chance to do the job thoroughly without the media commenting on every sentence in a transcript. It serves no purpose.

    Kelty doesn’t ‘agree with you’, he just said the News limited weekend articles were wrong. We all suspected that but nonetheless photos of high rise buildings on a computer owned by a guy who may, or may not, have a close association with terrorists in the UK has to be worth a question or two.

  • Haneef had no chance to pay bail. His visa was revoked, and he’s being
    detained as an illegal resident. Either Kev has some insider info,
    or is making this up as he goes along.

    Our health system simply wouldn’t work without foriegn doctors. Strange
    that folks like kev and the govt are keen to scarifice our health system
    then for the sake of an anti-Muslim doctor dogwhistle.

    Yeah yeah. let’s wait ’til all the evidence is in. We have to, but it’s
    now obvious that the AFP has to before they arrest someone as well. They
    simply can’t handle these new powers. they’ve loooked like idiots at their
    first test.

  • Dave, Yes I know his visa was revoked. and I agree it should have been

    I’m not keen to sacrifice our health system nor am I keen to sacrifice any lives to terrorists. You call it an anti-muslim dogwhistle but that hardly means anything.

    It is the mostly Muslems that are murdering our citizens so I think it’s reasonable to keep an eye on them.

    It’s not the AFPs first test and in a fast developing nasty world they are doing well. Nobody is perfect under intense negative word-by-word media scrutiny but they are responsible for stopping attacks and for solving others (Bali) and in due course, when we know some facts, rather than media speculation and beat-ups, then they will have done their job again.

    I admit, I cannot understand the mentality of people who ridicule the AFP and support suspected terrorists.

  • I’ll bet there’s a lot you don’t undertsand Kev.

    Interesting that you knew Haneef’s visa was revoked, yet you chose to
    spin it into “He declined to pay the bail so is still being held. I want him in solitary until the situation is clarified lest he actually do some mischief.”

    Yea, providing medical treatment to Australians within the strained
    Queensland health system would be horrible mischief!

    Just the same, you’re trying to portary the AFP as the victims. They didn;t
    need the media to make them look incompetent, so spare me the crocodile tears.
    They obviously can’t handle the powers, as they’ve stumbled at the
    first hurdle when trying to use them, and no amount of dishonesty on
    your part will change that.

    My mentality is simple to understand – I don’t want myself or loved ones
    to be detained without reason for a political agenda by an incompetent
    wannabe police state.

  • If I portrayed the AFP as victims it wasn’t my intention – they are more than competent at handling themselves notwithstanding the barrage they’re under. You call them incompetent but live under their protection – lucky you.
    You’re still using stumbling at the first hurdle – don’t you get it? This case is nowhere near their first foray into protecting your ungrateful arse.

    Re your mentality. Thats easy – don’t go and live in Cuba or similar – stay here and you’re safe even though you won’t acknowledge it

    Dishonesty! I presume that’s defined under the same rules that makes everything Howard says a lie.

    That reflects more on your spin than my honesty.

  • Kev, you disappointed me when you revealed yourself as nothing more than a simple racist.

    “It is the mostly Muslems (sic) that are murdering our citizens so I think it’s reasonable to keep an eye on them.”

    Sheesh! And the Cuba retort – bor-ing!

    Is there some handbook that tedious old racists bring out when they can’t think of anything else to say?

    I’ll tell you something fresh… Australia has had enough of your infantile black-and-white vision of how the world is. It doesn’t work and it only breeds hate which breeds terrorism.

    You are old and outdated. Just like Howard.

  • Kev, you’re the type who will thank the government when they lock up your wife or child on terrorism charges. “Oh thank you John”, you will say, as the victim is denied basic human rights. Yes, we are safe, as safe as the Chileans shot in a soccer stadium in protection of “national interests”.

    Terrorism is not a risk. We are in more danger driving 10k down the road in a car.

    So what what are you really defending here? Your chance to be a lapdog to a dictator? Otherwise, your lack of empathy for your fellow Australians suggests that you are a psychopath.

  • Sorry, I see you are a victim of war. Your lack of empathy for non-anglo Australians makes sense now.

  • If you’re such an honest John, why were trying to tell us Haneef was in detention for
    refusing to pay bail, when you say you know full his Visa was revoked?

    There’s more dishonesty in your deliberate attempts to spin what I have stated clearly: The AFP failed at their first test/hurdle to apply the laws that allowed to hold Haneef for as long as they did. Read my posts again if you didn;t get it, but I feel you did. Why you want to talk about my arse is anybody’s guess.

    I’m sure that just a few years ago, if someone said “They’ll be holding foreign doctors in
    detention just for lending a mobile sim card”, you would have told them to go live in Cuba at the time.

    I’m defining dishonesty as someone not telling the truth. You’re most welcome to show me where
    my “spin” is reflected. However, it seems you define “spin” as someone who disagrees with your
    strange opinions.

  • Simon,
    I don’t see myself as a victim of war just a veteran.
    Terrorism is not a risk – tell that to the grieving relatives and victims of 9/11, London underground, Bali bombing, etc – you are delusional and protected by those you denigrate.

    Look up the definition of ‘racist’ – you won’t find me there; and if you deny that Moslems (a religion, not a race) aren’t responsible for the vast majority of attacks against the west then you too are delusional.

    Haneef is in prison because he chose not to pay bail. It is true that if he did post bail he would be held in Villawood which is whole different kettle of fish. I presume he was advised to not post bail because to be held in prison will apply pressure on the government to drop charges and release him, more so than if he was held in Villawood.

    My point is we do not know the full extent of the intelligence applicable to the case. I believe they have used the SIM card etc to hold him until they can verify other facts. I agree, on the face of it, providing a SIM card is not a heinous crime but I doubt that’s all.

    You are all basing your disapproval on what you have been told by the media and I have long learned that is questionable tactics.

    If, in the final wash-up, the SIMM card is the only arrow in the AFP’s quiver then indeed it will be questionable.

    The AFP failed at their first test/hurdle to apply the laws
    You can’t say that until it’s all over.

  • Sockpuppets!!

    Kev, caito and Simon have the same IP: address.

  • So the Haneef case is dismissed due to lack of evidence and one innocent husband, father and doctor will be able to go home to his little bubba and hold her for the first time.

    And may I also pay tribute to the investigator who died last week under the ‘extreme pressure’ of the investigation, pressure brought on no doubt, from trying to create evidence where there was none, from trying to enforce a wild selection of vague laws that threaten our very freedom that they were supposedly meant to protect.

    And I *can* say that, because it is all over. I hope this gives you pause for thought, Kev.

  • Gary, it’s called a router. And yes, normal people congregate in groups with a single internet connection. Oh, wait does this constitute an illegal assembly? Did you report my IP to ASIO?

    Anyway, it was fun while it lasted, but I’m leaving Caitlin to it now.

  • The system worked making earlier claims of dictatorship as ludicrous and as the one of Kev being racist.

    Normal people share routers for lan party’s not to make ignorant claims.. Get a life children!!

  • LOL. No, normal people don’t actually have LAN parties.

    You know, I hope Kev will say: “That really sucked what happened to Haneef, poor bastard.” It would be nice to read this.

  • Don’t hold your breath. He is too close to savages that tried to mass murder Brits. We are better off with him out of Australia.

  • A legally innocent doctor run out of town because he is related to a criminal? Well, at least you’re honest about it. Maybe they’ll give you a seat on the independent enquiry.

    I had a colleague once who had no empathy for kids in detention centers, based on the fact they were related to their parents.

    He was a smart rational man, as you are Kev. Certainly wasn’t a loving man though, and he was quite bitter. Good luck with that!

  • Not related to a ‘criminal’ but related to and associated with a ‘terrorist’ – a huge difference.

  • Now, a lot of issues have already been raised and debated, so i going to jump half way into this..

    My point of view is this, i refuse to sit there and just be OK with what happened to Dr. Haneef or to the many, many innocent victims who have been held without any sort of charge.. Indeffinetly. In fact, the overwhealming majority of those arrested for suspection of terrorist actions, have been released without any sort of charge. With just a, “Oops, my bad..” for the missed years and physical and mental torture.

    It’s very easy for Kev to see nothing wrong with this. You see, Kev belongs to the ‘US’ side of things. I was raised on the ‘THEM’ side of things. ‘US’ is scared (and seems to have forgotton that crime was actually around before 9/11) and in these times full of false fear, Kev is more than happy to accept the ‘collateral damage’.

    As a black man raised in Australia since one, i know what it is like to be the subject of non-acceptance and plain racism by people just like lil Kevy. Racism is ripe, don’t believe the hype by the majority that hasn’t really felt the full brunt of it.

    I myself refuse to sit there, waiting in false fear that a ‘man of middle-eastern appearance’ is the one to one day end my existence when the fact of the matter is there are far more pressing and constant threats on a daily basis from any number of sources. The group of cowards that planted the Carlton Draft bottle in my forhead for no apparent reason, for instance.. (I can laugh at that now!).

    I suppose the only thing worse right now, is the fact that even after being found innocent and going back to his family. The minister of immigration, Kevin Andrews has gone into desparation mode. To try and save his own skin and not look like, well, a fool. Mr Andrews is now trying to cling onto something, anything to make Mr Haneef look like the monster he portrayed him to be in the first place.
    Unfortunatley for him, he forgot that the equation should determine the answer. Instead he has created an answer and tried to make an equation to fit.. But life isn’t algebra.

    This man, Dr. Haneef, is in fact A MAN, Mr. Kev. And does in fact deserve the same rights as you. If this happened to someone in your circle, you would be outraged. You know it. I know it. So stop fronting. Very easy for you to be so heartless when you consider someone to be inferior to you. Forgetting that this MAN has a family. A new born child. And is the sole bread winner and relied upon by many people.

    Oh and i can bet my entire life savings, that Kev does not and has not ever interracted with any Muslim people ever.
    If he had, i strongly doubt that he would be so smug into taking the assumption that his life is somewhere of more value and that he has more right to existance to that of Dr. Haneef. Very arrogant. We could debate weather Kev is racist or not all day. But His prejudice is prevalent.

  • I’ll take that bet but I’m uneasy about taking pocket money from a child that probably thinks Peter Pan is a documentary.

    Islam is not a race.