Hamas set up massacre

The pro-terrorist/Jew hating leftie mob can hardly hide their glee. A massacre in Gaza at last..”now the world will see we are right and the Israelis are the real terrorists”. Not so. It is a tactic of the terrorist organizations to surround themselves with civilians, children if possible, and then force the western powers to retalliate by attacking them. In Gaza, Hamas fired mortars from a school and predictably, Israeli soldiers counter bombarded. The school was also laced with booby traps (only Hamas could explain why) and consequently the Israeli mortars detonated some of these as well. From the Jerusalum Post;
The school grounds were being used by terrorists to fire mortar shells at troops stationed nearby, and the soldiers responded by firing mortars back, the army said. According to the IDF, the dead included members of the Hamas rocket cell, including senior operatives Imad Abu Askhar and Hassan Abu Askhar.
The responsibility for deaths of the civilians, including the children, rests squarely on the shoulders of Hamas and before readers respond with “but the Jerusalem Post would say that”; keep in mind hiding behind civilians for shock media articles is a known tactic of the terrorists and has been employed in dozens of theatres for years The horrendous result is a phsy-ops coup for Hamas as the media rush to report “ISRAELI MASSACRE” but no one mentions who set the scene.


  • I think finally that people are getting the message – that the bad guys are just that.

  • Kev

    Hamas won fair democratic elections in Gaza. They are the legitimate government of that teritory.

    Israel have occupied their territories illegally in breach of many UN resolutions. I am sure you are as a defender of “freedom” would if you were a Palestinian be fighting to free occupied land. I am sure you would ahve supported the the French, Dutch etc during WW11 in their attempts to free their land form the occupying Nazis. I bet yuo would have supported them but then again they are not followers of Islam. Double standards again eh Kev. You are so bloody predictable!

    Of course they are surrounded by civilians; it is their land and they are the elected government.

    If the Israelis have gone overboard as usual and lost the PR battle then they have themselves to blame. An election is in the air.

    More people are killed in car accidents every year than have been killed by rockets in the last 8 or so years.

  • Peter – try composing a paragraph without the words Israel and Nazi – it’s confusing.

    Of course they are surrounded by civilians; it is their land and they are the elected government.

    If you don’t understand what I’m saying, and you obviously don’t, then stay out of the debate.

    Yes, the Palestinians voted in the lesser of two evils. Notwithstanding the vote, Hamas are a terrorist organization and should be treated as such.

  • “More people are killed in car accidents every year than have been killed by rockets in the last 8 or so years.”

    That is one of the most disgusting pieces of moral equivalence I’ve yet heard on the topic. So, what are you saying, let Hamas keep slinging rockets until they overtake the road death toll? If your tiny, facile brain can comprehend this, what I propose is that I stand outside your house, on the road, and fire random shotgun blasts into your house. I mean, it’s not like I’m actually “aiming” at anything, just random potshots, hoping that I’ll hit you where you cower under the bed, or hiding in the bathroom. Not only that, but all the neighbours in the street are giving me shotgun shells, and sending our letters to other residents congratulating me on my efforts. The police know I’m there, but because it’s only YOUR house, and you aren’t making any noises about it, well you are, but no-one likes you anyway, they aren’t going to rush over. And when they get here, they are going to tell you to stop provoking me. When you eventually decide that you can’t live like this, I’m going to throw down my shotgun, throw my hands in the air and yell for help from the neighbours for your vicious act of self-defence and aggression.

    And next week, when the world has turned, I’m coming back with Molotov Cocktails and pipebombs.