Social Engineering – ABC style

Imre Salusinszky has the best take on Play School trying to change the world order with their insane alternative life-style presentation of a lesbian couple with an immaculately conceived child being presented as normal.
George: Hello? Welcome to George’s Needle Exchange! Can I help you? Monica: Yes please! Big Ted has used up all his needles. And because he used an infected needle, he has a sore on his arm. George: Oh dear! Better go down to emergency and have that fixed up! Monica: We’re on our way there right now. And we have some storybooks to read while we wait ? 100 storybooks, in fact, because we know there will be so many infected bears waiting in front of Big Ted to see the doctor. George: Oh dear. Well, you give me those needles, Big Ted, and here are five clean ones to make sure you don’t get sick again. Monica: Thanks Mr Needle Exchange. Big Ted will be much happier now that he has clean needles.
Well, I think it’s funny. Go read if you haven’t already done so