Chechyna – just another chance to kill infidels

It’s true that all Moslems aren’t terrorists but I can?t get it out of my head that at the moment all terrorists are Moslems. Islam, the religion of peace is proving anything but. I trust by now, particularly after the obscenity in Beslan, that apologists for the religion are finally coming around to a more realistic way of thinking. We are at war. There are plenty of left-wing commentators denouncing the Beslan tragedy but some still have a problem uttering the words ‘terrorists’ or ‘Moslem terrorists’. Separatist, guerillas, insurgents, hostage-takers are just some of the euphemisms that rattle through the media. None of these titles fits the image of child killers – they seem to offer some legitimacy that simply isn’t there. Much has been made over the last couple of days about the ineptitude of Putin and/or the Russian military. A lot has been said about the problems in Chechnya but the bottom line has to be that there are people in the world prepared to kill woman and children in such a horrific manner and it is they who must be stopped. As in killed, shot down like dogs. I wonder if Chechnya based reasons for hating Mother Russia really motivate the reported half Arab composition of the terrorist force? I think not. I think the Islamic terrorist organizations are recruiting for any theatre where the possibility of killing Infidels exists. Some clerics have denounced the latest round of terror as less than civilized but they need to do a hell of a lot more. Statements to the press and sermons denouncing terrorism are not enough while they are in the minority. While the Islamic leaders only make ‘we don’t agree’ noises they are subject to some deserved cynicism from the population at large. John Quiggan has a good post on the background of the Chechnya problem but I’m not prepared to accept that killing kids is an answer. I despised the IRA for what they did whilst fully understanding the hard times visited on them by the Poms as I will rile against any force that targets kids. As Mark Steyn points out no one offers up a plan to fix the problem, that is, no-one except Bush. At least he does have a plan and although it requires a democracy in the Middle East as a base to the solution and that is difficult, to say the least, it is a plan. Much is written by those who claim superior knowledge, about the reasons for the current Islamic assaults against our woman and children. Criticism from every angle but no alternative solution put forward for debate. The only answer for these commentators is Bush is wrong. Well if he’s so wrong, and you?re so smart, what is the right way to go about solving the issue. Tell us, but until you do, I suggest we stick to the old infantry maxim on terrorists Kill them. Shot them down like the dogs they are.


  • As in killed, shot down like dogs

    On behalf of my dogs….I take offense at this! My dogs are better human beings than these Islamic Fascist scum :>]

  • You are dead right. It should be As in killed, shot down like rabid dogs

  • and I dare say you call yourself a Christian?

  • No. I don’t actually. Although I subscribe to christian ethics terrorists leave me cold. I’m more Old Testament – an eye for an eye. You won’t catch me turning the other cheek. I see no salvation for the terrorists; I see no negotiating and I see no value to the world, or to their cause, or anything remotely connected with advancing civilization. I can only see them passing this obscenity on to the next generation and defiling everything their Holy book, the Koran, teaches.

    Terrorists – like rabid dogs!

  • aaaah, so by your standards, all muslims are terrorists because most terrorists these days are muslims. That figures.

  • Niall, Read what Ken posted “defiling everything their Holy book, the Koran, teaches.” You are the one saying “all muslims”. Is being a pathetic failure the only thing your good at?.

  • aaaah, so by your standards, all muslims are terrorists because most terrorists these days are muslims. That figures.

    I don’t know about Kev but that about sums it up for me. Islam is nothing but organised thuggery (and buggery) which wages constant violence against the less powerful amongst its coerced adherents, thru Sharia, and externally via Jihad. It is a foul, disgusting belief system which is morally and ethically equivalent to Nazism and Stalinism.

    So, yes, all Muslims are terrorists (active or supporters), just as all Nazis are in-bred murdering cunts.

  • “Much is written by those who claim superior knowledge, about the reasons for the current Islamic assaults against our woman and children. Criticism from every angle but no alternative solution put forward for debate.”

    But Kev,
    We must examine the root causes.

    After all,only people who had just cause would do
    such things.

    Until we cure cancer,end all wars and stop global
    equality such things will always happen.

    The solution?

    Just say “No” to war and address these people’s greivances.

    Off course a more realistic approach would be to hunt these fucks and their idiology to the end of the earth and make them extinct.

  • Ignorance is no excuse boys. I can see from the above comments that none have you have ever read either the Quran or the Bible. If you had, you would have known that nowhere does it say “an eye for an eye” except where Jesus disparages this notion and tells us to “love one another” instead.

    Still, it’s easier to make broad sweeping generalisations than to inform yourself.

  • El Bizarro,

    Matthew 5:38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:
    39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

    But I say unto you that to turn the other cheek will only encourage the bastards. What would you have us do – offer them the Opera House as a target?

    Appeasement, the gentle Christ didn’t have the WTC or Beslan as an example. Advice for an ancient slower world is no answer for today. They would kill us and we would turn the other cheek! No way.

  • No, the gentle Christ had the brutal oppression of his people by the Roman empire as his backdrop and yet he still preached the gospel of love and tolerance.

    It took time and patience but the roman empire is no more and Christianity is one of the world’s biggest religion.

    Of course, I’m not a Christian, if anything, I believe in freedom from religion, not for it. Because, like yourself, far too many extremists quote religious texts as an excuse for barbirity without ever having actually reading them. You can’t blame a 14 year old illiterate suicide bomber on the Quran – he’s never read it. Blame the mullah or the priest or the swarmi or whoever incites them to violence by invoking the name of their god and assuring them a place in heaven for their crime.

    Turning the cheek is one suggestion, but how about not striking the cheeks of others in the first place? Monsters like Osama Bin Laden don’t create themselves.

    These aren’t justification, just rational observations.

    The WTC, although no group has ever claimed responsibility, is widely assumed to be retalliation for the oppression of moslems.

    The death toll in Beslan is a drop in the ocean compared to the rivers of children’s blood that has flowed in Checnya at the hand of Russian soldiers.

    How can we expect others to turn the other cheek when we cannot do the same?

  • El Bizarro

    Firstly, despite the fact that I am an Atheist, your assumption that I haven’t read the Bible or Qu’ran is incorrect. So, I guess that fucks your argument from the start.

    Regardless, let’s plough through the bullshit which you laid out:

    “Monsters like Osama Bin Laden don’t create themselves.”

    No but Islam does. I suppose in your fucking stupid universe, Hitler was a creation, not of German racist nationalist militarism, but by the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles.

    “The WTC, although no group has ever claimed responsibility, is widely assumed to be retalliation for the oppression of moslems”

    bin Laden himself triumphantly claimed responsibility in a video in October 2001! You’re in fucking denial mate.

    As for your claim that 9/11 is assumed to be in retaliation for the oppression of moslems:

    By who? By fuzzy shithead leftwing dickheads like yourself? That statement is a serious refection on your complete lack of morals.

    Is any oppression justification for murdering innocent 3000 people while they’re at work or bayonetting a child who asks for water a justified by anything at all?

    You’re fucking sick. Do everybody a favour and lie in front an IDF bulldozer.

  • El Bizarro,
    Your opinions suggest you’re a dickhead and your your command of the facts confirms it. If you don’t think the Bible advocates an eye for an eye, read Exodus 21-23.

    Exodus: “But if any harm follows, then you must take life for life”

    If you want more, there’s plenty of it, including G_d’s punishment on Sodom and Joshua’s ethnic cleansing.

    If you really want an education in Biblical retribuition, take in a couple of fundamentalist Moslem boarders and feed them some nice pork chops. You’ll learn all about it in a hurry.

  • Yawn

    Right wing dickheads incapable of anything but ad hominum and childish black and white notions. I guess if it makes me arrogant in brushing aside your arguments as the puerile pap they are than so be it. I’ve seen what I’ve seen and come to my conclusions that way, not by mindlessly regurgitating the bile of others. The other parts of the bible quoted here also advocate slavery, but only of your neighbours. Does that mean that god wants me to have a kiwi as a houseboy?

    Thankfully, your ideas are ancient and will blow away in the winds of time like the dried up turd they are. That’s why there’s so much conservative resentment in your comments, because you know that your time is over and ours is beginning. You failed and now we have to clean up your mess. Don’t worry though, ‘cos we’re a tolerant lot and we won’t ask you to go back to where you came from…