
I’m just a little wary about the Palestinians calling a three month truce. Is is an old tactic – call a truce, restock your ammo and retrain the troops. However I do hope it works for lots of noble reasons and for one of lesser nobility – I’d just love to hear the silence from the Bush/US/Howard/War haters if Bush pulls it off along with his ticks in the box for slowing terrorism, ruining Saddam’s day and otherwise giving some of us hope for a better world. Kamu mati! says a father of a Bali victim to Amrozi as prosecutors call for the death penalty. Your dead! Maybe if we kill and bury all these terrorists in a pool of pigs blood, facing away from Mecca and with a cross around their neck and then advertise the fact heavily in the middle east we might bring about a rethink. No 28 whatever vestal virgins in heaven if you go via that sort of grave.