Bloody Independents

The Australian has stooped to quoting Lambie Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie has met twice with Mr ­Abbott but remains unimpressed by his prime ministerial charm.
“He just sits there and ums and ahhs,” she told The Australian. “He’s either incompetent or doesn’t know the subject. The Liberal government is in chaos. It’s like having an office manager in the office that can’t run an office.”
Lambie can’t construct a sentence; is a bogan fool with little or no education; is in the Senate because she was bankrolled by PUP leader and gained only .046% of the quota and is remembered for saying, in public, that she is looking for a rich, well hung partner. And she suggests Abbott is incompetent or doesn’t know the subject.  Abbott was most probably using English which would’ve stymied Lambie. As witnessed by this quote on the 7:30 report
Yeah, I think [the vice chancellors] want reform. But what I’m hearing is they didn’t ask for a deregulation. So I’m going to double-check on that… But you know what? These [vice chancellors] are supposed to be the brains of the country. Why are we telling them how the universities should be run? So it’s about time they stood up, they stood tall and they help come up with the solution.
Judith Sloan answers that;
As everyone knows, apart from that left-wing poseur-fraud from the University of Canberra (and ABC fav), all the other vice-chancellors support fee deregulation, including the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Tasmania.
Lambie, the Vice Chancellors DO want deregulation and if you read any thing other than the fashion and pick-a-well-hung-hunk mags you would know. The Australian then lines up Windsor, knowing he will shit-can Abbott because he just hates him and he comes to the party and rattles on about how good Gillard was at negotiating when compared with Abbott. And then along come Lazarus;
Senator Glenn Lazarus, who split with the Palmer United Party last week, last year accused Education Minister Christopher Pyne of harassing him after the minister bombarded him with text messages “virtually begging’’ for his vote on the higher education reforms. (Mr Pyne said he had to resort to texts because the then-PUP senator was refusing to speak to him.)
As being in the Senate is marginally more complicated than playing rugby league, Lazarus seems to think that everything the government proposes has to somehow go back to the public and be voted on…..somehow.
Yesterday Senator Lazarus said the “government puts bills to the Senate that have not been developed in consultation with the community. The reason why the government is frustrated with the Senate’s refusal of bills is that many bills being put forward are not supported by the people. The Senate is simply reflecting the will and the view of the people.”
No Glen, the Senate already represents the will of the people.  That’s how you got there…there was an election. Remember? If you are going to vote in the Senate then you need to read up on the legislation, talk to the people putting it forward and to those who oppose it. You consult widely and then you the make a decision.  It’s what you are paid for. Putting your fingers in your ears and yelling just doesn’t cut it. You don’t oppose it because the minister wants to talk to you about it.  That’s what’s supposed to happen, you dipshit. So, in summary, an important piece of legislation, supported by all but one of the nation’s vice chancellors, was rejected in the senate because the three independents voted with the ALP/Greens because………mmm…….I’m not sure why. They can’t articulate their reasons for voting it down and therein lies the crux of the matter.  The country is being dictated to by uneducated illiterates who don’t appear to have any idea as to where their responsibilities lie. Poor fellow, my country indeed!    

One comment

  • Who are these “people” who do not support the government’s legislation? Does Lazarus canvas his electorate on each piece of legislation that comes before the senate? Doubt it. Ah… Labor and the Greens? They are the only “people” who count, apparently. Not the majority who voted for the LNP to govern this country.

    Does he have any idea of what elections mean? How the parliamentary system works? Apparently not.

    As for Lambie, her stated reasons for opposing deregulation are in direct opposition to the stated positions of all but one university. She even claimed that the University of Tasmania is opposed when it is not. That single brain cell sure is working hard.

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