6 June ’06

Quiet a significant day. Some people read today’s date as the sign of the devil as in “666”. Tim Blair has an interesting and often funny thread going on the subject. Worth a visit.

On a slightly more reverant note than Tim’s thread, Wikipedia has a good explanation of the origins of the Satan/666 association, starting with the original references in the Book of Revelations and going through to ‘Avoiding the Number’

Larvartus Prodeo has a piece on what it all means and asks Who is the Anti-Christ? Not surprisingly, LP links to a sight called bushisantichrist.com/ The site is fascinating with para headers like The Bush/Judas Connection; The Bush/Herod Connection and The Bush/Nero Connection. But for me the most conclussive and damning evidence that Bush is the Anti-Christ is his habit of raising his hand in a horned salute.

Damning, isn’t it? Of course LP will claim the article is tongue-in-cheek but I’m not so sure.

I swear to God I’ll miss Bush when he retires (undefeated). His very existance has provided me with so much uplifting information and subsequent hillarity as I surf the more extreme anti-Bush sites.

I think it amazing!

What will they do when he’s gone? After the party I guess they’ll all start looking for the ‘666’ tattoo on John Howards head. It’s got to be there. Right?

To old soldiers and military historians today marks the 62nd anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, the start of the end of Hitler’s insane power grab is better known as D-Day. It also marks the start of the end of media support for the military.

Oh, and more importantly, to me at least, this is my 1000th post. Before Blogger and the current Word Press format I was running a web site giving one or two readers the benefit of my advice, such as it is, but those posts have been lost so I’ll make do with the Word Press stats. The oldest post I can find is dated August 2002 so the web site is just a couple of months short of 4 years old.