Green’s funds redirected

Out of all the doom and gloom lately there is some hope. Bob Green owes Forestry Tasmania $240,000 after a failed legal bid to stop logging in the Wielangta forest in Tasmania’s south-east. If he doesn’t pay in time it would lead to bankruptcy and that would lead to him losing his Senate seat. Now that would be a win-win situation for Tasmania and Australia but we all know that there will be any amount of tree huggers happy to ante up for their hero. Pity. Dick Smith is the first such person to put up his hand. Given that I’m very much into scientific based conservation programmes but very anti the witch-doctor/anti-capitalist based Green’s theories I am disappointed, but at least the exercise will take some money out of the Green’s coffers. Also makes it easier to decide should I go to Dick Smiths or J Car for my e-toys.


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