Vegans get it wrong

PEOPLE who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, researchers said yesterday. A joint Australian-Vietnamese study of links between the bones and diet of more than 2700 people found that vegetarians had bones 5 per cent less dense than meat-eaters, lead researcher Tuan Nguyen said. The issue was most pronounced in vegans, who excluded all animal products from their diet and whose bones were 6 per cent weaker, he said. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had less neurons as well.


  • Fair suck of the sav Kev, the study ALSO said that the decreased density showed no increased risk of fractures.

    Vegans do live (on average) several years longer than the meat eating populations, however,
    as for myself I won’t be taking any risks with decreased bone density and will be having lamb for tea – if it comes to a choice between an extra year or two at the tail end of my life and enjoying it for the good years before then I’ll remain carnivorous.

  • It’s not suprising they found that. The average height of women of a women
    in Victorian times in England was 4’10” it 5’6″ if you stick with
    Anglo-Celtic women. It is almost certainly due to increased meat in diet
    making you bigger stronger and living longer. Vegetarian claims for
    it’s health benefits are just so much wishful thinking, let alone the
    nutters advertising on prime time telly that I can control the
    worlds weather by going vegetarian, some should take them to
    the advertising standards body for truth in advertising.

    As for Vegans what diet in the world could be more un natural than
    Vegan? Just what culture has ever excluded all dairy products and
    meat plus the crazy non use of tomatoes, sure you find cultures that
    don’t do meat but vegan ones?

    p.s Kev, it might be my browser (IE 6) but I am not getting any text
    wraping here, you might like to check your end.

  • mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm meat.

  • You’re right Grendal but my point was in the last line.
    Ian – can’t see any problems this end

  • wow Kev, it’s amazing how much commentary and opinion you add to a story. Do you understand why people *choose* vegetarian or vegan diets? I suspect you don’t actually care.

    do you also post articles showing where meat-based diets can be worse? I guess we’ll see.


  • Robert, I just think a Vegan diet (other than for legitimate medical reasons) flies in the face of thousands of years of human endeavour and scientific and medical knowledge.

    I remember one of my kids giving me a huge lecture on eating meat and cruelty to animals whilst he was 2nd year uni – he later grew up and I never heard what were obviously the opinions of his left wing lecturer again.

    Just the same Robert, enlighten me if you would on why omnivores such as us humans would choose not to consume a part of their staple diet?

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