Queue jumpers saved from their own stupidity

AFGHAN refugees struggling in the ocean in the aftermath of an explosion aboard their vessel off Ashmore reef in April this year were allegedly kicked and fended off by Australian Defence Force members as they tried to climb aboard inflatable rescue boats. I think it will become apparent that the refugee queue jumpers put themselves in the water in the first place and secondly, the commander needs to get his crew back on board first to effect rescue of the others. If a sailor had drowned there would’ve been hell to pay. Described as ‘inhumane’ and ‘distressing’ by ‘sources’ who would most probably call anything less than an instant four bedroom house and a grand a week from the government as ‘inhumane’ I am less than moved by the story. Bottom line; those that could be saved were in circumstances that threatened the lives of ADF personnel and the Afghans are now safe on land.

One comment

  • One of the first things I was taught, back in the dark ages when I did my saltwater bronze medallion (surf lifesaving), was that your first priority in a rescue was not to be dragged under and drowned by a panic stricken victim. If that took punching them or kicking them to stay free, you do that. THEIR life depends on it.

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