Bob Brown’s wish list

THE terminally ill could be granted the right to die after Prime Minister Julia Gillard backed a conscience vote on restoring the authority of territories to legalise euthanasia. Where the hell did that come from. I don’t recall the word euthanasia being mentioned once during the election campaign and it doesn’t rate a mention on the ALP website. It is mentioned in press releases on the Greens website but they certainly didn’t put it out in public during the campaign as policy. Are we condemned to run this country on the whims of a party that represents about 12% of the population? Here I am worrying about financial stability, border protection, Afghanistan, taxes and the economy generally and the PM says we need to consider euthanasia. It rates with poker machines as a low priority national issue that should be dealt with long after all our other problems Start running the country Julia and stop pandering to the “I’ve got an idea…let’s do this……or that” left field mutterings of Bob Brown.


  • IMO opinion it isn’t poor old befuddled Bobs idea, his party has been hijacked out from under him by the lunatic left. He strikes me as being a bit of a sad Hindenburg figure trying to impose a bit of restraint on the barbarians who are taking over (in this case, his party), before they shuffle him out the door.

  • Greetings,

    A general rave follows…….

    As I remember it Kevin Andrews MP was responsible for stopping the NT enabling its euthanesia law. Andrews is a strong Catholic and I understand his stand on the matter reflects the stand of his church. We see the same thing going on with Muslims wanting to force their beliefs on to us – and we don’t like it.

    I have friends in two nursing homes who won’t leave either except in a box. They have no life and they know it – one has already attempted suicide. Worse, are many of the other residents who are literally breathing corpses. They are mainly female which, I suppose, reflects their longer lifespan.

    In any case their bodies are worn out while they look so very miserable, I can’t believe they see themselves as having any enjoyment left to them.

    On the practical side – and it cannot be avoided – the cost of keeping these poor devils alive is astronomical. With the costs of operations and the steady conquering of life threatening illnesses which further increase lifespans, overall costs must increase further.

    To be sure, I think financial considerations raise euthanasia on the list of priorities. End Part 1.

    You will have read that we have paid our taxes so that about 50 asylum seekers/seekers of the good life could each receive about $100,000 in compensation for injuries sustained while in detention. As these camps cannot possibly be that dangerous, might the money be going to lip sewing performers and the like – driven to desperation by the inhumane……

    If so, I think it’s time we stopped writing and got together to see what we can do.

    Some other topics that need resolution are the acceptance of fit young men as asylum seekers while ours fight their enemy, payment of pensions etc to the wives of convicted Muslim would be mass murderers, too easy access to Australian citizenship and the cessation of Muslim immigration.

    Is there sufficient interest in SE QLD for a get together on the problems Islam poses and the solutions to them?

    Lest it be thought I have gained my knowledge about Islam and what it represents from blogs etc, I would like to point out I lived for 7 months in Egypt, 5.5 years in Saudi and 2 years in Singapore – which is 15% Muslim.

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