Bob Brown – ignorant bastard

GREENS leader Bob Brown is facing mounting condemnation after calling on coal companies to foot the bill for the Queensland flood recovery. Pig ignorant bastard! Should be locked up in stocks in the biggest coal mining town in Australia so people can throw all their rotting vegetation at him.


  • Kev, look on the bright side. Statements such as these may give those who share his utopian beliefs cause to think more deeply about their choice of leader. There aren’t many of us who would to choose to follow a megalomanic fool, even Greens voters.

  • His boyfriend must be putting something extra in his GREEN salad…….How can this idiot be taken seriously..????

  • I just came across your site whilst searching for something totally unrelated to this. I thought you may be interested to know what bob brown actually said about the floods and the coal industry – its very different to your summary above ( see
    Coal barons should help pay for catastrophes – Brown

    The full tax on excess profits by the coal mining industry, as recommended by Treasury, should be imposed with half set aside for future natural catastrophes in Australia, Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Hobart today.

    “It is unfair that the cost is put on all taxpayers, not the culprits,” Senator Brown said.

    “Burning coal is a major cause of global warming. This industry, which is 75% owned outside Australia, should help pay the cost of the predicted more severe and more frequent floods, droughts and bushfires in coming decades. As well, 700,000 seaside properties in Australia face rising sea levels.”

    “A Goldman Sachs study found that the reduction in the mining super tax agreed by the current Labor government (the coalition opposes the mining tax) would cost Australians $35 billion in forgone revenue to 2019-20.”

    “Scientists agree that current floods come from record-high temperatures of Australian oceans this season.”

    “We also ask insurers to show some compassion to Queensland’s flood victims, and to others who face loss as wild weather besets the country. Many people believe they have flood cover and, if not, the fine print should have been disclosed to them.”

    • Janet,

      “Scientists agree that current floods come from record-high temperatures of Australian oceans this season.”

      No they don’t. They agree the current floods come from La Niña – a cyclical weather event. La Niña does produce higher temps in the ocean but they are not record temps and it does it every decade or so.

      As well, 700,000 seaside properties in Australia face rising sea levels.”

      Rubbish – that is alarmist and baseless designed to panic the people into believing the Global Warming religion.

      “It is unfair that the cost is put on all taxpayers, not the culprits,” Senator Brown said.

      Using half of tax collected by any means from any group is “costing the taxpayer” as it could be used elsewhere.

      “A Goldman Sachs study found that the reduction in the mining super tax agreed by the current Labor government (the coalition opposes the mining tax) would cost Australians $35 billion in forgone revenue to 2019-20.”

      “agreed by the current Labor government” was just a thought bubble from Swan who desperately needed billions from somewhere to balance his budget. He run it up the flagpole and no one saluted. He could have had a thought bubble of 80% super profits tax and then when that also didn’t get through a more pragmatic house Goldman Sachs would find that it would cost us $70 billion.

      The problem is Bob puts forward untruths to support his argument – doesn’t work that way – not in the real world.

  • It wasn’t that long ago that poor sad Bob Brown was telling us that drought was the new normal.

    Maybe he should be thanking the coal companies for bringing back the rains (ok, I know they didn’t cause them).

    Serious question though, how much money has the Green Party donated to flood relief? I know the miners have kicked in millions…

  • Kev
    I can smell the “real world” as I write this – the stink of my boots and clothes that I wore in Brisbane the last few days, and it pisses me off to read this crap.
    Commentators and pollies who jump on the bandwagon when something like this happens are beneath contempt.
    In this list I’d include Bob (AGW)Brown, Tony (More-Dams) Abbott and Andrew (heads-must-roll) Bolt.
    What they have in common is that they are Mexicans, know nothing about Queensland, and have an eye for the main chance – simply Carpetbaggers.
    As far as the “real world” goes, have a chat to farmers on the Western Downs whose properties have been thoroughly stuffed by runoff from salty collection dams set up by mining companies.
    having said that, the fact that sea temperatures have shown a steady rise in the last half of the century, cannot be eliminated as a factor because of the link between sea temperature and La Nina. The higher the sea temperature, the more intense the effect. It’s more than feasible that we’re seeing a natural phenomenon for which both intensity and frequency is enhanced by human activity, which may well include the burning of coal. World coal consumption was about 6,743,786,000 short tons in 2006 and is expected to increase 48% to 9.98 billion short tons by 2030. That’s a fair bit of coal.
    This –
    is worth a read.
    An extract –
    “Since 1976, there have been seven El Niños. Based on the most reliable records, which go back 120 years, we would have expected to see only five, Trenberth says. Could the recent upturn be part of a natural cycle or some kind of oddball blip on the climate radar screen?”
    After spending the last three days in Yeronga helping my kids move all their stuff into storage, and witnessing at first hand the aftermath of these floods, I think it is entirely reasonable to ask these questions. The knee-jerk reaction to Brown’s comments have no more to do with science than the comments themselves – pure polemic.
    It seems that when massive profits are factored in – risk assessment is automatically factored out.

  • The liberal way, abuse those who don’t agree with your point of view, Bob Brown for PM I say.

    • Is the liberal way different from your obscene, vitriolic abuse of John Howard?

      By and large both Libs and the ALP are there for Australia.

      Brown is not and how could you possibly support his stand on blaming the Coal mines for the floods.

      It’s insane

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