Larry Pickering on Gillard

Tell us what you really think, Larry. From his Facebook Page
THE FINAL GILLARD DISGRACE: For $300 a week each, Gillard has given us the privilege of inviting asylum seekers into our homes. Has she and her Government gone completely mad? The ABC proved only this week that we don’t have a clue who is entering our country illegally. We have no way to process these people. We have no way to know who they are because most are either carrying false passports or have been told to toss their IDs in the drink before they got here. This Captain Emad character was discovered to be here illegally, and in Canberra, blatantly smuggling people to our country on stink boats. The Government says the AFP have had him under surveillance for two years. They didn’t even stop him fleeing back to Indonesia to continue making a fortune smuggling people back here, for Christ’s sake. Some boats have sunk with all on board and this germ has lied about it too anxious relatives to ensure he was paid in full! Now there’s a REAL maggot for you! Now our Government Minister Clare says, “We had to let him go because we couldn’t make any charges stick”! What the hell is this clown talking about? Emad must have thought it was Xmas walking out of here like that. HE obviously knew he should be arrested! But not the AFP? The AFP could have placed a PACE Alert at all departure points within minutes of viewing that ABC program. They wouldn’t have even needed to arrest him to do that! We have already seen the mountain of evidence against this criminal! Why wasn’t he placed back in detention with all the others until he was processed properly and then jailed or deported? Didn’t he lie to and deceive authorities? This most infamous of all illegal immigrants was given a special deal after only three months’ detention and provided with free government housing so he could continue his trade! Who exactly is paying who here? Are they kidding? Illegal entry is not an offence? If the Government is too lazy and the AFP too incompetent to arrest someone of this level of infamy then what damned message have we sent to Indonesia? Malaysia is on the smuggling route and integral to the whole illegal operation. Stupid f…..g Gillard wants to defy our High Court ruling and send them all back there for felonious processing. (Sorry about that but I am shaking with rage typing this.) Now this galah of a woman is encouraging aged people and decent, unsuspecting families to take these unidentified people into their homes when the Government has just proved it doesn’t have a clue who they are! It is a catastrophe waiting to happen! And it will! These people are Islamic from a different environment and culture. Can Granny serve Hal Al food? Does she know about their disdain for women and young girls? Is she ready for their illegal immigrant mates to pay a visit? Their wailing prayers 5 times a day? Their hatred of the West? If Granny reads their Koran she will have a heart attack! You should have a few spare rooms in The Lodge Julia. How about you shoulder some of your own fuck-up and show us how it’s done! Oh, I guess you don’t need the money, do you?… but poor old people and struggling families do. Nauru could solve this national disgrace tomorrow but Gillard would need to retreat. She would rather Australia continues to pay dearly for this than openly display her original stupidity. I would like to get my hands around her scrawny neck and shake some common sense into her. This is lunacy beyond even what I thought Gillard was capable of.
Sounds about right to me.


  • Found this in Cav’s Cave under defence budget stuff where it was noted that military installations listed for upgrades were having funds deferred to a date to be fixed.
    “AnonymousMay 19, 2012 10:28 AM
    With the delays in upgrades to the barracks and facilities the Armed Services should look at applying to homestay to have refugees stay with them. Not only would they be re-imbursed at $300 a week for the effort, but these idiots that are crippling our capability to maintain an up to date ande effective military would be forced to complete the facilities upgrades sooner rather than later because the refugees would refuse to accept less than 4 star accommodation.”
    Refugees and their shotsighted blinkered do gooding snivel libertarian advocates have over the years complained about accommodation in military barracks areas thought good enough for the diggers and all that without access to computers, phones, free to use sporting facilities etc.

  • I don’t get upset about Gillard or her silly side stepping anymore.

    The woman has the hide of an elephant and the intellect of an amoeba and the sheer effontrery of Alan Bond. When ever questioned on her mistakes her standard line of defence appears to be, Now I am on the record on this issue and I am not going back to it, when she isn’t really on with the record with any kind of defence at all.

    Millions of dollars missing, hundreds of dollars wasted defending criminal actions, standard line it’s a court issue.

    I often wonder quietly to myself who advised Craig to go the old defamation route to begin with, because that is destroying the union movement and I don’t hate unions just the ones not led by people from the shop floor and unions who betray their members for a leg up, the bloody mopes.

    As for boat people none identified with the drowned or the trafficked until I opened up and said hang on this is criminal. More than a decade ago now. I pointed the finger at the guilty pretty bloody quick. There is no defence for people trafficking none, there is no defence for illegal entry unless asylum is granted on the first border test or such.

    Everything criminal or negligent cannot be covered as politics.

    Mind you Tony Abbot with his weasel words on climate change in public audience and other to select audience is cringeworthy and he wonders why his person popularity is flat lining below 50%everyone hears double speak.

    All we want are people to stand up and say no, no to lies, criminal acts and frauds, call them what they are and be rewarded at the fricken ballot box.

    Any politician and that goes for weasels like Turnbull and Hockey with their climate change rubbish, who damage Australia’s good standing should be trashed at general elections, they should stand on how they vote in the reps, as for consience votes, these should be rare because if they are that tricky they really should be referenda.

    I know I jumped all over the shop here, but the simple facts of the matter politicians are running amok in malfeasance, destroying science and fucking around with the average Australian’s human right to sound National management. Australia’s good name in science is going down the shithole with overseas nutbags.

    The only silver lining I see, is that we still have a good set of national accounts.

    Will no one rid Jack Walker of all this bad rubbish?

  • Take a deeper look into Picko’s facebook page and check out his very pointed opinion on Gillard’s time in the unions and rorts and cover up. Makes interesting reading.

    • Yes, I’ve been reading. It amazes me that it’s all kept quiet. What the hell is wrong with the Media?

      • Glass houses and rocks, Labor and union power/muscle, and ultimately the $. Nothing much has changed in the forty years or so since it first affected you and I and even 1735099.

        • I really don’t know why the media is running scared of Julia and co, common sense would indicate with her popularity but more importantly her party’s popularity or voting intention so abyssmally low, Gillard is the one playing with fire doing the old censorship thing.

          But that overseas thing has the media bosses and owners terrified.

          Milne and the guy from 2BC (i think) Smith were easy targets, outsiders in media circles.

          That is why I think the legal gag thing is not reactive from the PMs office but proactive all along, because if Craig gets knocked off they know it could very well go higher, that is why the good senator took the solace of his villa, ultimate damage control. Her first act was not sacking Craig from the ALP it was the senator leaving to his villa.

          The senator will pop up in the future just like Kaiser did on a golden entry handshake.

          The problem for them is damage control does not fix real structural problems that preliminary audit of every candidate should take place.

          It really is common sense that every candidates should be vetted. But common sense is always short on the ground in PC politics of censorship and blackmail and corruption.

          So the very best thing the coalition could do for families is clean up the union movement by making them accountable under Corporations law.

          There will still be monies paid over the top as salaries, but criminals can be judged by one standard.

          My two bobs worth. I am light blue kind of guy who will vote red a times.

          The whole thing is a massive structural issue in our polity.

  • This is a once in a life time opportunity to make the left of politics something that needs to be done in the national interest.

    Anyway having worked in reconstruction I know how this will go down ultimately, the ALP will die. The union movement will continue to die in it’s corruption.

    Me I don’t belong to a political or economic school, socialism and capitalism is what democracy does best. That is what it is all about.

    That is why I am Abbott’s man. (at this time, my only caveat he betrays Australians off with his head ROFLMAO)

  • and now Larry got censored.

    They just don’t learn.

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