Open Border Policy must be fixed

Michael Gordon in The Age apportions all blame for the current spike in boat arrivals to Abbott
IT’S time to end the blame game – and it’s time Tony Abbott made it possible for Julia Gillard to implement the policy she insists will make tragedies like the one that unfolded last night less likely.
Why is this so?. Abbott isn’t the PM, Gillard is. Why is it time for Abbott to enable the government to implement an inferior plan. The Malaysia Plan is never going to work by itself. It was born out of a desire to do anything other than what had been successful under Howard. It is simply an ALP/Earthian Greens plan that has as it’s first premise “Any thing but Narau or TPVs” Stop grandstanding in Rio, Gillard, and fix the problem. While you fiddle people are dying. Admittedly the Government has so many distractions that I really can’t see how Gillard could prioritize her day. but it is her, not Abbott, that needs to come up with a plan that fixes the problem.


  • Originally in the debate a decade ago, the premise of offshore processing was first mooted to Christmas Island and so on. The debate remains focused with offshore processing which is not about the issue these people are turning up in fleets for, which is citizenship and life style.

    TPVs were the means to discourage them about outcomes ie no outcome and the offshore processing with a large per centage gaining asylum but no citizenship dried up the trade to show how serious Australia was about it’s borders.

    As you quite correctly point out it’s not Tony Abbot’s issue because legally the Malaysian solution 1 for 4 if it’s not trading in human life I don’t know what is and they have government without his coalition. The high court said it breached the treaty Australia is a signatory to which indicates the writer you mention is not only a political hack but rejects the UNHCR treaty and the high court.

    No they have majority with the Greens and Independents, not Tony, so all they have to do is all vote it and not bother the LNP or drop Malaysia people trafficking reinstate Nauru and TPVs.

    Idiots murdering idiots.

  • LaborGreenIndependent coalition refuse to control borders resulting in possibly hundreds dead may be an appropriate header for your blog piece mate.

    I reckon the LGI coalition has govenment they should do something about the issue and stop bothering Tony Abbot he is not PM yet.

    If they don’t have majority then wtf are sitting in the wrong seats.

    I just wish they would call things by their proper names. It’s not a labor government it’s an LGI coalition shining beacons of lights and rays of happiness and truth everywhere.

    (Actually it could be the old socialist alliance or communist party but hey let’s be modern too).

  • One final thing, the comment idiots drowning idiots is harsh, I do not resile from it.

    Originally I pointed out that drowning at sea on boats unobserved was not a far stretch after the first SIEV bottom fell out.

    The Greens and Independents and ALP control both houses of parliament, so they own the corpses, in other words culpability for some at least, in my opinion.

    The boat people know some of the boats sink because they know everything about the visa process, they are not being marched on the boats at gunpoint.

    TPV outcomes are merciful as can now be seen.

    If there is a black humor to any of this I was originally working on identity protection and other privacy issues.

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