ALP still don’t get it

FOREIGN Minister Bob Carr said the major parties have to settle their differences on border protection to stop events similar to last week’s boat tragedy.
“Without the Malaysian orderly processing of asylum seekers we are loading problems including increased people smuggling into Indonesia ports,” Senator Carr said. “That results in tragedies like the terrible one that the Australian public is coming to terms with now.”
The ALP are responsible for the illegal refugee problem thus it is up to them to fix the problem Why is it that the ALP and their follower are calling for Abbott to compromise – why not demand the Green Earthians compromise. Oh, and Bob, what the public are coming to terms with is that we have a government who simply can’t govern and they are just waiting for the chance to kick them out so we can have the country back in adult hands. Go and see Gillard and tell her in monosyllabic terms so that she understands. You caused the problem, you fix it! We look stupid, lowlifes are taking us for a ride and the voters know it. That can’t be too hard for an old hand like you Bob…surely.


  • You’ve got to love the ALP spin (AKA lies) on this, TPVs + the pacific solution didn’t fix it, illegals come because of push factors not push, it would all be a great joke if it wasn’t for the poor bastards inhaling seawater.

    Now they want the Coalition, who had a working system in place before the ALP/Greens stuffed it up,to ‘compromise’ and the compromise position proposed is the stock standard ALP policy. seems reasonable…

    Anyone who voted ALP/Green has blood on their hands. they didn’t ask for this, they demanded it.

  • Mate, it’s too hard for for Laurie Oakes so what chance has Carr got of coming to grips with it. So many don’t understand that the current Govt. of Labor, Greens and Indeidiots have the numbers to do what they like. It should be obvious to everyone that what PM Juliar proposes is considered ill-conceived even by her coalition partners and that laying the blame at the feet of the opposition (minority) or Tony, is trying to pull the wool. A one off free delivery of 800 for 4000 Malaysian tested bona fide refugees is B.S. What happens then? More irreversible boats surrounded by discarded identity papers floating in the ocean after someone paying thousands for the trip has made a call on a mobile phone for “assistance”. You simply cannot fly without identification and that’s how they get to Indonesia or nearby, before taking that “perilous” trip. I cannot uderstand how the boatload is made up almost entirely of young males. It simply rings alarm bells.

  • The pull factor is the Australian citizenship and benefits attached to it.

    The other thing that strikes me funny is where the actual boats themselves come from, some chandler somewhere is making a lot of money.

    Both sides could agree TPVs and true background checks in mandatory detention any day, everyone misses this point and it is the main point. The offshore solutions emphasise the possible outcomes as part of deterrence.

    IMO it is the TPV outcome and mandatory detention that is the solution.

  • I have voted Labor in most elections but have no oitopn but to find another party or independent to represent me as I have been betrayed by the party in an appeasement to the Greens. The change of stance on gay marriage is the final act in what has been a circus designed to stay in power no matter what promises are broken.

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