Jones and Smith chat about Gillard, Thomson and Wilson

I have just listened to Alan Jones and Michael Smith talking about the Gillard/Thomson/Wilson cover-up The fact that 30% of the voters are still with her must surely mean they are not aware of the debate. If you aren’t aware go listen and think.


  • I am amazed that the media will not pick this up!

    • Have a look here Cav and you will get some idea how frightened the media are and why they won’t touch this story…..freedom of the press….ha ha.
      Larry’s website and Facebook
      And you thought Benhur was big.

      (I used the link button to shorten your comment…Kev)

  • John Van Krimpen

    Fairly gutless, all considered.

    The part people miss is the why she backed down on her no carbon tax promise. I think this is part of the why, some parts are salacious the sexual aspect grubby as it appears and is not that relevant but the financial rorting under corporate governance rules would have seen people in similar situations jailed and bankrupted and never to hold a financial or leadership position again.

    I have been reading Pickering lately and that stuff is law suit material if incorrect. Claims she was allegedly fired by her law firm under those conditions means that she could not be a tuck shop treasurer let alone PM of Australia and then straight into Brumby’s office.

    The worst part for labor is this is not an LNP fitup, It is all self inflicted. The media pretend to courage and all that, but none I see of late, barring one bloke at news (who is protecting a source) have the guts to stand up not on this matter. Can’t remember his name.

    Anyway where are all those courageous Walkley winners now. Four corners missing in action, I wonder if it had been LNP how quiet they would be, this story trumps abused cows in abboitoirs. Oil for Food enquiries about Saddam Hussein and NP members but not a whisper about this.

    The ALP policy was announced yesterday, they are designing the rebuilding process after the next election, that is Plan B.

    Mea Culpae, I didn’t know about it before but the entire media of Australia with it’s fingers in it’s ears should have vetted her they do everyone else.

    One wonders if politicians in general could apply for a blue card or Military or Police service application.

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