Rudd caught lying again

Rudd on LNP Costings

‘There is an error of $10 billion in the claimed $30 billion of savings the opposition released yesterday,” he said. ”This is based on advice from the departments of Treasury and Finance and the Parliamentary Budget Office.’

Ms Wong adds

”$1 in every $3 that [the Coalition] counted as savings doesn’t exist”.

Rudd again

”What we’re doing today is calling Mr Abbott on his truthfulness. This is a $10 billion fraud on the Australian people.”

But no, it wasn’t. In an unprecedented rebuke to their ministers, late on Thursday, Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson and Finance secretary David Tune issued a joint statement disowning the figures released in their name.

”At no stage … has either department costed opposition policies,” they said, implying that their costings were based on assumptions supplied by the government.

”Different costing assumptions, such as the start date of a policy, take-up assumptions, indexation and the coverage that applies, will inevitably generate different financial outcomes.”

So, the government gave the Treasury figures it wanted the Coalition to present and ask for costings.  They did this before the election campaign even started and the figures given Treasury had no bearing on what the Coalition has now tabled. The moment Rudd said there is a $1o billion dollar hole he lied.  He knew it, Wong knew it and Bowen knew it. They all lied and it has blown up in their faces. All this from a government that has given us a $30 billion deficit and hundreds of billions of debt and all they can find is $10 billion dollar hole that they themselves created. As Abbott says  “They’ve got all their figures wrong and now they are doing the same with ours”  


  • Like most of Australia I stopped listening to the ALP years ago, I’m just marking time til I can sack them. They are totally wasting their time if they think anyone believes what they say, let alone believes that, even if the ALP really intended to deliver on their promises, they were capable of doing it given their demonstrated incompetence.

  • Rudd claims his wife’s name is Therese.  Fact checking shows this to be a truthful statement.
    Thousands seek counselling.  Police recalled from leave and ambulance and fire services alerted as disbelief and shock spreads.  Riots in Rudd’s seat of Griffith.
    Asked for her opinion, Gillard maintains she does not understand the claim – says wife and truth are not words she is familiar with.

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