
Bill Shorten challenges Prime Minister Tony Abbott to debate on  frantically tries to distract the public from the Trade Union Royal Commission Ain’t working Bill! He challenges Toy Abbott to “have a debate with me in parliament or any town hall about work place relations“. The debate that matters is happening now Bill as the TURC uncovers rorting and straight out fraud committed by you and your mates. He goes on;
“As parliamentary secretary I fought to introduce the National Disability Insurance Scheme (and) as a union leader at the Beaconsfield mine tragedy, I saw how important our fight for workplace safety is.”
NIDIS wasn’t a fight – Gillard was always going to introduce it. In fact she was so keen that she didn’t even bother to fund it. As for the union leadership at the Beaconsfield coal mine disaster it wasn’t called for.  Hither too, the only contribution unions made to mining disasters  was to sit on the sidelines and carp about the evil capitalist bosses.  On this occasion, you decided it was your chance to get yourself in the  public eye with a view to gain a seat in parliament.  With the ALP media arm, the ABC complicit in your plan, you became the de facto face of the disaster. Worked a treat but don’t try and set yourself up as a caring union boss.  You were just caring about yourself and your first step on the way to PM Don’t think that’s happening now Bill.  People are onto you. Another tactic being bandied around is talking about the millions the RC is costing. Lawyers enjoy $25 million windfall from unions royal commission Don’t care – unions cost the economy hundreds of millions a year so if we can stop it and bring them within the law then that’s a win for the country. This week the RC delves into the CFMEU.  Mining these thugs for rorting and fraud examples will give a better yield than mining for gold at Kalgoorlie. I look forward to the daily revelations.


  • This smear by Royal Commission tactic has come back to bite the LNP on the bum – http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-07-12/qd-inquiry-into-barrett-centre-mental-health-unit-shut-down/6522564
    It won’t bring back the kids who died of course, and it marks the first time that Labor has stooped to follow the Coalition into political chicanery imported from the toxic mess that has become US politics.
    Just as the TURC is a “get Shorten” exercise, this is a “get Springborg” project.
    Lawrence doesn’t deserve this. He has more integrity in his little finger than Newman and his white-shoe spivs had collectively in their whole bodies. Sure, Lawrence is as thick as two short planks, but apart from the fact that he comes from Yetman- it’s his only vice.

  • NIDIS (sic> wasn’t a fight

    It was, at least in Queensland.
    The first time I heard of it (NDIS) was at a conference in 2008 in Brisbane which I attended in my capacity as a member of the Qld Ministerial Adsvisory Committee on Disabilities. Shorten gave the keynote speech at that conference which was attended by many people with disabilities.
    Attending was a young woman whom I had taught at a Brisbane special school in my first year back after RTA.
    She said to me “if this bloke is successful, it will turn my life around”. She was smart and eminently employable, but needed a powered chair to get herself independently to work. She did manage that eventually without the NDIS, but then saw her allowance for special taxi transport removed by the Newman government, which meant that every cent she earned went in getting her to work and back.
    The NDIS leaves decisions about the nature of support needed entirely to participants, and many will choose the transport to work option, turning them into productive individuals. The NDIS calls them “participants”, BTW, not “clients” or “customers”. For many, independence delivered by the scheme will return more to the taxpayer than it costs for their support.
    Queensland was the only state in the nation that refused to run an NDIS trial.
    This provides a powerful insight into Shorten, Newman’s priorities, and the worth of the NDIS.

  • Obfuscation and verbosity joined together with bullshit.

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