Blog Roll

I have included an Iraqi blog titled Friends of Democracy specifically dealing with the elections later this week in Iraq. All readers of an open mind might like to follow it through to the elections. Those who only seek negative views about Iraq so as to bolster their anti Bush/US/Howard agenda should best stay away. Remember your creed demands you ignore the truth or at least to spin it negatively. Via Bunker Mulligan

RAF Women sexually harrassed

A report from England publsihed in today’s Australian suggests a huge proportion of Airforce women are sexually harrassed. I take all such reports with a grain of salt as the first question is – What defines sexuall harrassment? In my day, everything up to hearing the words NO was OK and it was known colloqually as trying to score but I get the feeling that under today’s rules a good morning smile can be upgraded to a leer with associated mental undressing with little proof required.
ALMOST half the women serving in Britain’s Royal Air Force had suffered from sexual harassment, it was reported today.
More than 1000 of the 2500 women surveyed internally by the RAF had been victims of sexual harassment over the past 12 months, reports in the Independent on Sunday and the Sunday Mirror said.
I simply don’t believe it. Maybe ten percent of this is harrassment and inapropriate behaviour. It’s been my experience that most men are reasonble when dealing with the lifelong pursuit of the pleasures of Venus and know NO when they hear it. Life goes on. Men try and women mostly accept their approach. Some blokes come on too strong but mostly they end up accepting failure and try elsewhere. My Corps, Infantry, have a perfect record on this type of behaviour. It could be due to a total lack of women in the work place but I’d like to think it’s because we are gentlemen of the old school. It’s life’s major game-play and someone suggests fifty percent of this is harrassment or inapropriate. No way!

Bloody Storm Bird

CommonKoel(LP).jpg The Common Koel Bird – bludger and user! Its storm season in Brisbane and every afternoon the noisy Keol can be heard coo-eeing around the suburbs. Locals call the Koel, or Eudynamys scolopacea, the Storm Bird as his call generally precedes a storm. Actually, it also follows a storm and if the storm wasn’t so noisy you could hear him calling during the storm. But let’s not spoil a good suburban myth. I was all set to blame him for all the storms that have been stopping me finishing my current project. However, after checking out his form I find he’s not really telling us a storm is on the way – it’s all coincidence. He arrives from PNG each summer storm season and his call is a mating call. But you knew that didn’t you? That’s all well and good; you can’t knock a bloke for trying to get himself some nookie. It’s the bit after I don’t like. After mating these birds look for some other dumb bird pair and land them with the egg. The hosts baby-sit the egg and then rear the Koel chick until the chick itself notices that it’s a different breed. You’d think by this time the male host would be asking his hen some pretty searching questions. But no, the Koel chick uses up all their time and energy and then just flies the coop. He heads north to PNG and joins with all the other bludging user Koels. No questions asked. What a con. How stupid do the host Mum and Dad look now. I’m trying to build a deck on one corner of the pool and it has to be done by Saturday when the family gather for a 21st party. It actually should be finished before I fly to Vietnam on Thursday. The job was planned to start a week or two ago and did but the day I started digging out the turf, 6 December, the heavens opened up. 160 millimeters or 6.3 inches later and the rain slows. My friend and helper, a builder, doesn’t work on wet days as in I’ll be there Monday IF IT DOESN”T RAIN Like – Sorry Sarge, I don’t want to patrol today – it’s raining. Bloody civilians. The rain stops and the sun comes out creating a sauna effect. My son comes over and we busy ourselves securing the beams and then start bringing in the cubic metre of crusher dust that goes underneath the decking, wheelbarrow load at a time. Under the patio, the temperature reads 30 degrees C. I take the thermometer and lay it down on the pool coping where we are working and then later, when we have smoko (cold apple juice) I check the temperature – 55 Degrees C or 122 Degrees Fahrenheit. Instant de-motivation. Minutes after I see that temperature, I hear the Koel herald a storm. Suddenly I don’t care if it is a suburban myth, I don’t care if he is a bludging user and I don’t care about him getting his way with some Koel chickie bird. I just want the storm. Can’t work in the rain. It pours and we are forced to stop work. The temperature drops, the pool overflows for the fourth time this week and the job site reverts to a swamp. I’ll have another go tomorrow.

Brekkie Creek again

Saturday afternoon and evening at the famous Breakfast Creek Pub with out-of-towner Tim Blair in attendance along with The Chief Bastard, Murph and Todd from A special kind of sauce, Paul from Paul and Carls daily diatribe and Matt Marty from The Rat Pack. Also very pleased at last to meet Arthur Chrenkoff who stayed sober for the whole event. The final phase of Athur’s Australianisation is yet to be completed but we will work on him having a drink next time. Tim accuses me of spilling a full schooner in his lap and then denying it. I thought it was only half a schooner – if I had known it was full I would have reacted in a more extreme manner. I mean those bloody things cost 4 or 5 dollars each. At least I didn’t spill Tim’s chardonnay.

Mayor dumps on Arafat

Nick Leys, in todays Strewth colum in the Australian, takes Cairns Mayor Kevin Byrnes to task over dressing up as Arafat for a charity function.
CAIRNS has been rocked by debate over the past week after mayor Kevin Byrne thought it would be a good idea to attend a charity debate and lunch dressed as Yasser Arafat ? just two days after his death. Byrne defended his actions as just a joke, but a local businessman of Palestinian descent is far from laughing.
Just two days after his death is not an exact date as we all recall nobody wanted to declare Arafat dead until they found his PIN number for all his stolen billions. Nick has the whole town ‘rocked‘ but all he quotes is one Cairns resident.
John Hawash yesterday lodged a complaint with the anti-discrimination board, saying the mayor had “made a fool” of all Cairns residents. “This problem has to be rectified. It’s done damage to the city. There are investors coming from the Middle East to Cairns and this sort of thing will scare them away.”
The type of Middle East investor that is ‘shocked’ by fancy address that lampoons Arafat should stay in the Middle East and we shouldn’t have anything to do with them. I should declare an interest here. Kevin Byrnes is an ex Infantry Major from my Regiment and his Chief of Staff is likewise, an old friend from Army Days. When I phoned for an indepth analysis of the ‘shocked’ city I found my friend absent on a holiday in China and Kevin busy getting on with his Mayoral duties. Great to-do about nothing but it does give Nick Leys a chance to put Conservatives in a bad light. You’ll just have to do better Nick.


How does anyone expect the Palestinians to ever become a functioning nation. I mean the last time I saw anything like the chaos of Arafat’s funeral it was a mob of drunken soccer hooligans They can’t even mourn decently. Shots fired in Arafat’s mourning tent. Someone insulted someone else and the AK54s start rattling as they would if wielded by idiots that fire the bloody things in the air like a child in the first place. The Jeruselum Post reports;
At first, Palestinian police and soldiers fired off entire magazines in an attempt to keep the mourners from enveloping the helicopters. Then they seemed to do it for the celebratory effect.
Totally lacking in any form of discipline others join in the decidedly dangerous practice.
Masked gunmen joined in the manic gunfire which only ceased two hours later.
Palestinian officials later said that nine people were wounded, one critically, from the gunfire. Hundreds more were treated for various injuries, including falling off walls, trampling, and dehydration ? aggravated by a blazing sun and the widely-observed Ramadan fast.
Nine people wounded! Hundreds injured! Masked gunmen! At a funeral, for God’s sake Remember the pomp and ceremony of Churchill’s funeral; The heart felt sadness and that little boy saluting his father at Kennedy’s funeral; the reverence of Menzie’s departure and then witness the stampede of primeval adulators and idolaters of the murdering thug Arafat at his final circus. These people have a very long way to go to statehood.

Back from the edge

I’m shopping (12th August) and as I approach the checkout the small items I’m holding in my right hand fall to the floor. Confused I try and pick them up and can’t. My right hand and arm have disconnected from the drive-train. Doctor..XRays..Osteoarthritis in the neck from a thousand cold bivouacs..pinched nerves…Neurologist referral to confirm..go home..get used to it. I accept the news and drive 600 kms to a wedding where I am billed to play ‘Marie’s Wedding’ on the bagpipes. I can’t. My right hand is still in neutral. I drive further up to Carnarvon Gorge and work for a week helping a local boy?s college run a camp for teenage boys. My right hand is now re-connected to the drive train but the clutch is slipping. Drive back 1200 kms. I arrive at the local Veterans Affairs Hospital for my specialist appointment with an Associate Professor who destroys my erroneously based confidence by bypassing all ‘Osteoarthritis’ type questions and going straight to ‘Stroke’ type questions. My blood runs cold. Driving 2,500 km after a Transient Ischemic Attack, aka a mini stroke, is not conducive to longevity and worse, could have damaged my beloved V8 Discovery. Two weeks of every test known to man and machines tell their human operators that I have an 80% blockage in my left Carotid artery and something had better be done about it. Quickly. Three hours after confirmation I’m talking to two specialist surgeons and they’re describing how they are going to slit my throat and fix the problem. Three days later I’m on the operating table and five days after surgery I am at home writing this post and working on some funny one-liners to handle the ‘Jesus! What?s that scar” type exclamations when I venture back into polite society. I currently look like a reject from a B-Grade Frankenstein movie. And if my little story isn’t the greatest ever reflection on the standards of the Australian Veterans ‘Repair and Maintenance’ program then I don’t know what is. Being the left carotid artery, my right (wing) brain was under threat but I’m happy, deliriously so in fact, to announce all is in order. But as I drift off to sleep each night when there are no books, computers or conversations to distract me, I shudder and have trouble engaging my ‘fantasy-drive’ that for years has lifted me from low nights and rocky days. It’s a long fall from where I’ve been but as my first Platoon Sergeant used to say “Keep moving soldier, I’ll tell you when you?re tired”. Should be my old cocky self in a day or two and by then it should be two out of three for us right wingers. Bush will be orating poorly while leading well and my world will be in order.

Ultimate Hot Rod

I picked up this link from Tram Town and reproduce it here for all petrol head readers.
It links to a story of hot rod powered by a Patton tank engine, an AV-1790-5B and it’s 1792 cu. in. It has overhead cams and Hemi heads. Since it was designed to move a tank, it puts out 810 hp and makes 1560 ft.-lb. of torque. The engine is 6 foot long
Worth the read.


An amazing story of courage from North Queensland where a 60 year old woman took on a 4 metre, 350 k croc by jumping on it’s back and wrestling until the beast cried ‘uncle’ and let go of the 34 year old man in it’s jaws. It’d would make a good Mother-n-Law joke but it’s no joke and I for one would be honoured to shake her hand. In this article in the Queensland’s Courier Mail the gutsy woman is identified as Grandmother, Mrs Sorohan. Way to go Lady. I bet the grand kids do what you tell ’em now.


Top 20 countries reading my website. 1. au (Australia) 2. com (Commercial) 3. net (Network) 4. (no entry) 5. edu (Educational) 6. nl (Netherlands) 7. il (Israel) 8. mil (USA Military) 9. gov (USA Government) 10. uk (United Kingdom) 11. cn (China) 12. sa (Saudi Arabia) 13. org (Non-Profit Organizations) 14. ca (Canada) 15. be (Belgium) 16. jp (Japan) 17. fr (France) 18. th (Thailand) 19. us (United States) 20. no (Norway) 12. sa (Saudi Arabia) Jesus Christ! Golly Gosh! I hope they don’t mind me putting down on terrorists. Hey Saudi Guy…don’t…….archives. Stop panicking…could be a good guy. If the Saudi guy would leave a comment and calm me down. Something like “I hate Terrorists too” would do. Hang on, it’s most probably an expat. That’s it. Now I remember..a lot of guys from a regiment I was once in, live and work over there. Whatever…leave a comment..please.
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