
How does anyone expect the Palestinians to ever become a functioning nation. I mean the last time I saw anything like the chaos of Arafat’s funeral it was a mob of drunken soccer hooligans They can’t even mourn decently. Shots fired in Arafat’s mourning tent. Someone insulted someone else and the AK54s start rattling as they would if wielded by idiots that fire the bloody things in the air like a child in the first place. The Jeruselum Post reports;
At first, Palestinian police and soldiers fired off entire magazines in an attempt to keep the mourners from enveloping the helicopters. Then they seemed to do it for the celebratory effect.
Totally lacking in any form of discipline others join in the decidedly dangerous practice.
Masked gunmen joined in the manic gunfire which only ceased two hours later.
Palestinian officials later said that nine people were wounded, one critically, from the gunfire. Hundreds more were treated for various injuries, including falling off walls, trampling, and dehydration ? aggravated by a blazing sun and the widely-observed Ramadan fast.
Nine people wounded! Hundreds injured! Masked gunmen! At a funeral, for God’s sake Remember the pomp and ceremony of Churchill’s funeral; The heart felt sadness and that little boy saluting his father at Kennedy’s funeral; the reverence of Menzie’s departure and then witness the stampede of primeval adulators and idolaters of the murdering thug Arafat at his final circus. These people have a very long way to go to statehood.


  • The law of gravity is a relentless one.

    What goes up must come down.

  • It’s called ‘passion’, by its adherents. They then look at Australia and label us a ‘passionless’ country. Idiots.

  • How does anyone expect the Palestinians to ever become a functioning nation. I mean the last time I saw anything like the chaos of Arafat’s funeral it was a mob of drunken soccer hooligans.

    Makes you wonder how the UK ever managed it!