The best a man used to get
Virtue signalling at its best. Gillette, the best a man can get add attacks it’s customer base. I note in the add that only some of us are OK – the rest are misogynists, bullies or sexist predators – straight from a #MeToo script. Good move guys – gives me a reason to change to Schick. I trust the feminist movement buy heaps of your products because you will lose sales from your customer base. King C.Gillette, who started the company in 1901 will be turning in his grave right about now.
G’day Kev,
Yes I was wondering where Ms. 1735069 was.
He can’t can’t get a comment he will allow through on his thread. Could be wrong, perhaps I am his only reader.
Didn’t think he’d be able to control himself with this P.C tripe and anything to suggest that it was tripe.
Coming through loud and clear Kev. Welcome back.