I want one!

In the bad old days when I was carrying an M16 with murderous intent in my heart, there always existed one distinct disadvantage and that was to fire the thing effectively I had to expose, at the very least, the right hand side of my face. This sort of thing clearly comes under the heading of a poor life style activity and had I done a Risk Assessment like I did last week for guys climbing a ladder to remove an antenna, I would have approached the Lieutenant and told him it was just so against all Work Place Health and Safety issues that I couldn’t in all honesty condone the activity. Of course the Lieutenant wasn’t known for his sense of humour and I had a job to do……that was the name of the game. Roll on forty years and the name of the game has changed courtesy of the Israeli weapons R&D guys. Image 3 Image 7 I presume the soldier can also press ‘Record’ to get a lasting image of the look of astonishment on the face of the target and his last words…Holy Mohammed, where did that come fr……… Heads up from old Army mate Joe.

One comment

  • This is a very important piece for you can bet the farm that the tech to deal with IUDs and Insurgents is in full swing for the future. Everyone is now scambling for the tools, and it is just a matter of time until the upgrades start blowing away the honorless ones away!!!