Beasley still doesn’t understand

LABOR has accused the Howard Government of breaking its promise over interest rates and says it is out of touch with the financial pressures confronting middle Australia.The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is widely expected to raise interest rates next month after annual inflation came in at 3.9 per cent this week. For a start “widely expected to raise” is not the same as “have raised” and Howard still has a long way to go before interest rates even approach those of the last Labor government. We would need something like a 400% rise to even get near them. Remember Beasley? Howard said Interest rates would be lower under his government than under Labor – not that they would never rise. For God’s sake man, stop inventing promises Howard never made and accusing him of breaking them.


  • I have been quietly muttering exactly this to myself for some time. Its about time Federal Labour came up with some fresh ideas on how things might be done better, instead of this sort of trash.

  • There is plenty they can attack on so why bring up moot points. If I was the ALP I would be very quiet about anything to do with fiscal management