Honeymoon just keeps on getting better

Rudd’s riding a huge wave of media deification and as sure as the waves will hit the shore and breakup the honeymoon is pre-nuptial and thus unreal. Every married person knows the work starts after the honeymoon where couples see each other in a less rosy view. ‘Howard Arrogant’ shouts the Australian – give me a break. Howard may be lots of things but arrogant he aint. Of the two, could I suggest Rudd has the most positive attitude towards his own abilities vis-a-vis the abilities of those around him. The polls say Rudd is more experienced…at what? And this ‘well he would say that wouldn’t he‘ pearler from Bob Hawke
The last Labor leader to enjoy such support, Bob Hawke, yesterday suggested the Howard Government was staggering towards defeat and Kevin Rudd would be invincible by the end of the year. “We’re getting to the stage where it’s time,” Mr Hawke said.
If the Australian went to the trouble of soliciting old politicians opinions why stop at Bob. Keating and Whitlam who between them redefined arrogance would have said the same. Even Hewson and Fraser could be relied upon to dump on Howard but I guess Steve Lewis and Samantha Maiden needed to leave room to list all the perceived visions of an empire falling to bits. Recycled and perceived events such as evoking memories of the 2001 “mean and tricky” memo from then Liberal Party president Shane Stone…government MPs ..sniping at each other during sometimes heated partyroom meetings….criticised the Prime Minister for failure to appoint another Queenslander to the ministry…One Coalition MP said a number of backbenchers were miffed with the Treasurer. If the report of Mark Twain’s death was an egaggeration then so is any suggestion that Howard is dead and it is not in the human conscousness for honeymoons to last forever. The big question is, will it last up to the election? I doubt it