Rudd has peaked

An indicator of the peak of Rudd’s poll blitz; Whitlam on stage and the faithful chanting “We want Gough”. Please, please Rudd drag out Keating as well; the voters need to be reminded regularly what the ALP have done to the country. Having handed the reigns of his industrial policy to Julia of the Left, his claim to leadership pales.
Mr Rudd, who appeared uneasy when challenged over some of the details of the workplace policy, admitted that Ms Gillard had negotiated much of the fine detail. “I have total confidence in her ability to deliver the best balanced outcome in both her discussions with the trade unions and business,” he said.
Julia had negotiated much of the fine detail with whom? Ah yes, let me guess, the unions. Thus an organization that represents less than 20% of the workers is setting IR Policy for a 100% of them. Julia admits her IR Policy hasn’t been endorsed by the Shadow Cabinet and Rudd’s new Industrial advisor, Rodd Eddington, didn’t get a look in either. So Julia Gillard, representing the dopey Left or the party, in cahoots with the Unions, sets policy for what Rudd has claimed is his major policy attack for the upcoming election. Loose control of the Left and loose the election. I said much earlier, when Rudd was elected ALP Leader, that one day the rent would fall due…he would have to pay back the Left for their support and the rent bill arrived on the weekend. He’s paid it but he’s paid more than he knows. Over the last couple of weeks Business leaders gave him a chance. They listened, they went to dinner with him, but this weekend the detail came out and now he’s lost them.
LABOR’S workplace reforms have provoked an unprecedented corporate backlash with some of Australia’s largest companies preparing a concerted campaign against Kevin Rudd’s industrial agenda.
Watch the polls now that Rudd has been forced to lay his cards on the table. Pretty boy looks and a glib tongue will account for little over the coming months.