We face annihilation, warns Howard

A good call….the electorate needs to be frightened into realitiy. If the polls are any indication then the voters are either not thinking it through or have simply been scammed. Rudd has got his polls in the cheapest manner possibly….no new policies to speak of other than the unions get back in power. I still believe that come polling day the voters will rethink their acceptance of the new kid on the block. He’s new and glib but should we really trust him with the keys to the treasury? And why shouldn’t Howard counter the ACTU/ALP advertising so full of half truths and isolated single incidences that try and prove a trend. There are people out there who may actually believe the ACTU adds that fly in the face of contrary evidence and Howard needs to counter that and educate the voters about the realities of the IR laws. Rudd is busy convincing the electorate that Australia’s booming economy is due soley to the mineral boom and has nothing to do with economic management. Rubbish! It has everything to do with economic management and a lot to do with the IR Laws that allowed the big companies to be competitive in the world economy. Going backwards to Union control will quickly prove the case as the emphasis shifts from production and a happy workforce to central control of wages and conditions; union power plays and strikes over inconsequential matters. Shake up the troops John. The MPs and electorate need to face reality…make the wrong call on polling day and the country will stall.