Mother Boards

Due to my computer’s mother board noticing the expirey of it’s warranty I had to have another one installed with the result that I didn’t collect my emails from Thursday thru Monday. Monday, issued with new passwords I pressed the send/receive and went and made coffee. Wow. 382 emails! So many friends. Obviously some correspondents were old girlfriends with thinly veiled comments of a personal nature and just as clearly some others (with male names) were old old drinking mates who failed to believe my juvenile boastings on conquests – why else would they suggest chemical enhancement for my libido? Jordan, I can’t remember where I knew him, suggested my girlfriend would thank me big time. If such a person existed she wouldn’t thank me after my wife had sliced and diced her and posted her home in a small post bag. Still, maybe he doesn’t know I got married. Worse to come – I have to talk to Telstra Bigpond Technical Help. 23 minutes to get past the gatekeeper with her inane, repetitive waffling and then the Indian accented; “Good morning sir, how can I be helping you” Stay cool, Kev. Don’t waste 23 minutes.