Anything but politics

I have included a weather link on the right bar so people can be better aware of the reason I live in Brisbane. A sub-tropical city on the east coast of Australia the only issue about weather is will tomorrow be like paradise or just perfect. However, each winter, the temperature does drop to single figure celcius for about two weeks and when it does the family get nervous and/or just wait for me to start ranting about moving to Cairns, a tropical city a thousand miles north of here and definitely Tropical. Why do kids roll their eyes like that? Old soldiers prefer warmer climes. Something to do with osteoarthritis – a medical term for aches and pains associated with years of sleeping on the ground in not-so-warm climates. pool.gif So you can all feel sorry for me I have included a picture of the view from my home office. This nice little set-up is fiercely guarded by Holly, the Golden Retriever on sentry duty half hidden behind the chair. I feel so secure. The patio roof sheeting (the shiny stuf at the top of the pic) is insulated with 50mm of a foam not unlike cold-room material. The cold room insulation has been modified in Queensland to try and tame the power of the sun. Last Christmas the temperature was 10 degrees celcius less under the patio than out in the sun and it was still mid 30s under. For those who live in snow-bound climates like northern Europe, and some of my readers do, you may find it hard to believe, but in December and January the pool is too hot to swim in and we have to provide shade over the pool to cool the water down. rainbow.jpg If I get bored at home I can always tavel about 90 minutes north and arrive at the southern end of this shitty little beach. From the point, one can drive south (towards the top left hand corner in the pic) along an almost deserted beach (50 to 100 m wide at low tide) for about 60 km. Fish, swim, camp, drink or just sit there and get overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. Count my blessings…feel better now.


  • First. Invite me over for a beer please Sir. Second. How good do we have it here? I mean, really. The absolute fucking WORST thing in my day is a) no cold beer/rum in fridge or b) having to drag my ass off to “work”. (As if you could call what I do work!)

    Queensland truly is some form of religious deity’s country.

  • nice setup Kevin. I’m envious, especially of the pool, but only in summer.

  • What? You mean the crunching knees and the bag of broken marbles shoulders don’t get better as you get older?

    Anyway, Canberra’s not so bad. It’s been about a month now since the dog’s water bowl froze over at night.

  • CB
    There will be an invite to SEQld bloggers in drinks..intelligent and stimulating know the sort of thing. Maybe a Christmas bash. I’ll keep you posted.


    Good in summer and in winter still good landscaping and a net loss on lawn to be mowed.. win-win.

  • Ahhhh, very true. Saltwater and I guess the maintenance aspect is minimal. One day, but I’d like to own the house first.

  • Are you waiting for the Castro-ite revolution so you can take Kev’s house?

  • Naill’s got some pics of his place on his photo journal. Looks quite spacious.

  • I’ll be over for a swim directly……