Very Happy John

Thank God. The country is safe for another three years. Looks like 86 Coalition to 58 Labour seats in the Reps and maybe even a majority in the Senate. A majority in the Senate would get Bob Brown off TV and the less oxygen he gets the better off the country will be. howard.jpg Crean, Beasley and Bob Mullins are all calling “We wuz robbed by the BIG LIE (they mean the interest rates ad) If Latham has any sense of leadership he needs to accept that the voter believes that the ALP are poor on economic management and do something about it. He needs to throw the “we wuz robbed” line into the dustbin with it’s equally sour grapes partner “the voters are stupid. Once again they have ignored our brilliance” Mullins raves on about how Howard couldn’t get one, not one, economic professional to agree that interest rates would rise under Labour. You’re most probably right, Bob, but irrelevant. I don’t need a PHD to remind me of Labour’s fiscal irresponsibility, I can always look it up. It’s recorded for everyone to see. and the chances are interest rates would rise more under Labour than under the Coalition. It’s believable. No, PHD’s didn’t back Howard, but the people did. There was simply too much rebutting every utterance from Howard as “A LIE! He lied about WMDs..he didn’t actually lie. Everyone from both sides of the debate believed there were WMDs. The fact that Saddam got rid of them doesn’t make it A LIE. He lied about Latham’s time at Liverpool…He didn’t actually lie. Latham’s time at Liverpool is recorded. You can read about it!. The fact that Latham says its A LIE doesn’t make it so. The luvvies over at Backdoor are in the middle of an orgy of disbelief, shattered dreams of a socialist Australia and are all mulling around in stark amazement at the stupidity of the voter.
I don’t understand. What does this say about our country? I feel ill. Posted by Dave
How come our feelings were sooo wrong,Why is it that people seemed to coninue to trust the rodent even though he lied all the way to the end. Posted by MickM
Because he didn’t lie all the way to the end…in fact he didn’t lie at all. If you think he did MickM then you have the problem…you deal with it. Tired now…..need sleep…..Country safe…stand down.


  • God fucking damn it! This is a hell of a night!

  • I’m still up reading/gloating thu backdoor comments and then over to Tim’s for some rightwing laughs.

    It is a great night and you were a little worried last Friday.

  • Yes what a night! I have been reading all the crying and bitching from the left in disbelief. Mrago was actually restrained! Although, she has gone off on leave for a month from Monday. Phil in all his arrogance, blames God apparently.
    This is most certainly a great day for Australia.

  • I can’t believe that the hands of Australia are in a liars hands, I guess you are forgetting about the boat people?

    A lot of people were very sceptical about the existance of WMD in Iraq before the war. Instead, Howard had to kiss America’s arse and go to war. It has put a bad name against Australia, and as many debate was the cause of the bombing on the Australian embassy. How many more countries can we claim have WMD’s? How many more countries can we steal resources from? Iraq had its problems, but they were not effecting everyone else (oh sorry, forgot, we need their oil). No country goes to war unless it has some direct benifit to them. In Austrlia’s case it was wheat trade I believe.

    As Howard said himself that he would do anything to “protect Australia” even if it goes against EVERBODIES belief in Australia. His lies about Iraq just show he is NOT TO BE TRUSTED! He was not protecting Australia from anything, instead he was killing them, Australian soldiers. He is not acting on behalf of Australia, but on behalf of the US.

    On the other hand I can’t say Latham is much better, it is a lose lose situation, I really wish we had someone decent to vote for.

    [end my rant]

  • Nope. Not forgetting about Iraq WMDs. Nor did Latham or Rudd. They thought they were there as well. So how come both sides of politics consider WMDs were present but only Howard is a liar.

    Aaron stick to the “It’s all about oil” mantra. “It’s all about wheat” doesn’t have the same ring about it.

    Kids overboard. You need to read a bit more, Aaron. The ‘Kids Overboard’ threat has been a recommended reaction taught to all illegals by the People Smugglers. They have used it in Europe, in the Mediterranian and off the coast of Spain and England with some degree of success.

    They tried it in Australia and the only thing that can be said for sure is that the one picture that made it the press with people in the water was one of the few cases of them not threatening to or actually throwing kids overboard.

    Did you read the Senate enquiry report in full, Aaron.

    Mate you need to read more, stop prefacing every Howard comment or instance with “he’s lying’ and maybe look at the company you keep. I suggest the’re all left wing which makes both Howard and Latham to right wing for them.

    Otherwise you are going to spend a life time on prozac and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

    Oh, and Howard didn’t kill any Australians. One died in Afghanistan but that was from a mine laid by the Taliban and/or El Quaeda.

  • Congratulations to Mr. Howard and to the majority of the good folks in Australia who have proven that common sense still can prevail in the world. We sense that the spirit will carry forward in the upcoming elections in the US.

  • Virtually no coverage here in the US, or on the Afghan election. Both are good news for Bush. He needs to invite Howard here immediately.

    God Bless Australia!

  • I can’t believe that the hands of Australia are in a liars hands, I guess you are forgetting about the boat people?

    Oh fuck! That’s right. People like Aaron say that Howard is a liar. Therefore, since Aaron and co. are the guardians of all that is true and good, Howard must be a liar.

    Memo to Aaron:

    You say that Howard is a liar. That does not make it a fact. The Australian electorate does not agree with your opinion. Get it thru your thick fucking head.

  • Bunker Mulligan sent me over, and I’m so happy I came! Now I know what to expect in November after Prsident Bush wins re-electiong! ROFLMAO Whine on, donks!

  • “No, PHD’s didn’t back Howard, but the people did.”

    Reminds me of something a US PhD told me years ago (remembering the US calls Batchelor of Science Bs and Master of Science Ms):

    Bs = Bullshit
    Ms = Moreshit
    PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper.

    Perhaps the “43 Enema Academics” should take note.

  • Oh why must Life can be so unkind? The great guru Kamahl has soothing words for the ALP beast. Kum-bi-ah, my lord…..