Kirby thinks he is running the country

I missed it but apparently Justice Kirby ran for Parliament in the last elections and has been elected President. Either that or he has forgotten his role in society. I would have thought he was required to uphold the laws of the land and, when required, to test them. I can’t see how he can do this if he starts with a stated bias. In New Zealand he is quoted as saying he is prepared to curb Howard. I presume that means he now has a proven conflict of interest and must remove himself from adjudicating on all matters that come before the court that pertain to anything that hints of Conservatism.
HIGH Court judge Michael Kirby signaled last night that he was prepared to rein in the Howard Government’s enhanced mandate, saying the rights of minorities were at risk of being abused.
How long before Kirby’s seventieth birthday or can Howard just sack him when he has control of both houses Must be tempting. On the other hand it might be wise to leave him there so people have regular reminders of what might happen if they loose concentration and vote a Left Wing government into office. Nah. Sack the bastard.


  • I understood that the legislature and the judiciary were separated. I did not know that a High Court judge could threaten to impede legislation and the parliamentary process. Can some one enlighten me?

  • The judiciary is a law unto itself.

    Remember when a now-disgraced Judge Shaw first became involved in his little drunk-driving / missing blood sample farce?

    Well, it seems to have escaped the notice of most of the media, but on 3 November The Age newspaper reported the following:

    New South Wales Supreme Court judge Jeff Shaw was not involved with the disappearance of his official blood sample, the head of the NSW Bar Association said today.

    Bar Association president Ian Harrison, SC, said any suggestion that the judge was directly or indirectly involved in the disappearance of sample was “disgraceful”.

    “It’s absolutely essential at the start to make it clear that the last person in the world who would have wanted this vial of blood to go missing would be Justice Shaw himself,” Mr Harrison told ABC radio.

    “If it went missing, it could not have had anything to do with the judge.”

    Bloody wonderful, huh? Obviously one law for the judiciary and one for the rest of us slobs (the taxpaying slobs who pay the bastard’s wages).

    Ian Harrison obviously considered himself well above the law (or considered himself to BE the law) when he uttered the above statement about Shaw.

    Great state of affairs; the Head Honcho of the Bar states that his buddy-in-arms is innocent before any charges have been made.

    People like Harrison and Kirby should be dismissed as they are a disgrace to the Westminster system, not to mention a danger to the freedom of Australians.

  • I vote for sack the bastard, ‘activist’ judges are one of those creeping threats to democracy that needs to be slapped down hard.

    They are paid to enforce the law, not subvert it – if he wants to change the law, he should run for parliament.