Damn the Budget..what about Thomson?

I can only imagine the timing of the release of the FWA report on Thomson’s litany of abuse of trust and power and simple theft of members funds was deliberate. I can just see Gillard thinking…. release it on Budget eve and everyone will be talking about the budget and forget about Thompson. Ain’t going to happen sweetheart! Tomorrow, everyone will be thinking – typical budget of a government in trouble and get back to the troubles. Gillard and the ALP have a hell of a problem with Slipper and Thomson. If Thomson resigns, as he should, then she will be vulnerable with the subsequent by election unlikely to favour the ALP. If he stays then she will be subject to questions all day, every day up to the election and the Independents will be under constant pressure to back a no-confidence motion. How long can they maintain support of the ALP while Thomson is in the House? If the ALP change leaders and reinstall Rudd then they will have their opinions of Rudd thrown at them all day every day up to the election so I can’t see that happening. Makes you wonder how Gillard can front up every morning and spend the day ignoring the herd of elephants she has in the room. Oh, and the budget… Defence down $5.4b; boat people up $1b; debt ceiling to hit $300b; tax the rich and give to the poor; attack wealth creators… ALP in a nutshell…nothing to see here – move along.


  • John Van Krimpen

    The mornings press is all about Tony and the Northshore of Sydney.

    I just don’t get the ALP and their modus operandi, the class war thing is dead. What part of aspirations don’t they get, most people want to get ahead not drag someone down. It’s the way it is. Part of their problem is they continue to view the electorate through some student union notion of the 50s and 60s, fighting for the proles and downtrodden.

    Someone should give them a heads up, modern Australia is very literate, very savvy and Australians with a fair go ethic are not big on class hatred, because it goes against our free speech identity.

    Was never going to go well with a PM out of touch with Australian families, this budget flopped and in defence of it they trot out the politics of envy and hatred.

    Mc Mansions is the very worst epithet of class war and they just can’t help going there. Australia is middle class.

    Aussies just aren’t big on jealousy, so class war just don’t work.

    • All true, but leftist loons are utterly unable to let go of one of the few things that they ever got traction on, even though it was far in the past and long over. They have nothing to offer now and so they head for the past and camp there.
      The funny thing is that the ALP is hardly made up of shop floor unionists and sheep shearers these days, its all lawyers and professional union admins and given the way the unions have treated their members, it is hard to see how they can be said to be looking out for poorer people.

  • Ouch:


    Geography lesson for a PM who needs a NSW voter comeback as much as oxygen. The last line says it all for the woman who had a questionable fashion account in Toorak.

  • Kev,

    The side heading on your webapge: “Time left for Gillard Government to damage the country” could be read as suggesting she has done no damage so far.

    May I suggest the heading be reworded to read: Time left for Gillard Government to further damage the country”



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