Voldemort Tax

The trouble with backing your reputation and government on a badly designed and unjustified tax is that after a while you start to sound ridiculous. Gillard, quoted in The Australian
“You can only spread opportunity if you keep the economy strong,” the Prime Minister said. This was only made possible by seizing reform challenges such as pricing carbon
A more fitting description of the Carbon Tax is the Voldemort Tax (from Harry Potter – he who will not be named) This definition comes from the series of ALP/Green TV commercials explaining how the compensation for the Carbon Tax works without actually mentioning the words “Carbon TaxNIKI SAVVA draws a comparison between the implementation of the Carbon Tax and Howard’s GST. THERE IS NO COMPARISON! The GST replaced a whole host of inefficient taxes, some of them well over 20%, and made common goods cheaper. It also made Australian tax more efficient and simplified distribution of increased federal funds to the states more predictable. The Carbon Tax is new, replaces nothing, will not do what it is designed to do and will simply raise the cost of living. It will also raise the cost of doing business in Australia with a subsequent downturn in investment. But Gillard has committed her government to the tax so I can see how she has to keep trying but really, how can you trust someone who says keeping the economy strong is only made possible by seizing reform challenges such as pricing carbon. No, the world will not collapse on Carbon Tax Day, it will take a while for the flow-on effect to strike but it will – in almost everything we purchase. The flow-on effect will eat up compensation handouts within a year as the unknown and unplanned for consequences, common in all ALP/Green planning, comes into effect.

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